Abortion Assisted suicide Death and dying Europe Europe Euthanasia International International Legislation Legislation

Belgium’s euthanasia law and European pro-life movement

Belgium’s new law is most distressing not only because of the lost lives of the innocent children, but also, as Richard Stith points out, marks a new low in our devaluing the intrinsic life of each individual person.  As Archbishop Leonard, the primate of the Catholic Church in Belgium is quoted as warning in this […]

Abortion Contraception Planned Parenthood

More on “Contraception helps reduce abortion rate.”

It looks like the “contraception reduces abortion” trope is beginning to lose its power, even among abortion providers. This LifeSiteNews article, “Two-thirds of women seeking abortions were using contraception: Britain’s largest abortion provider,” highlights many studies and statements, even by abortion promoters and providers, that contraception not only doesn’t reduced abortion rates, but actually increases them. […]

Abortion Legislation Planned Parenthood

On Guttmacher’s study that shows a decline in abortion rate

Here are a couple of articles about the recent Guttmacher study that shows that abortion rates are declining in the U.S.  Guttmacher speculates that the reason for the decline is contraception use. The first NRO article, “U.S. Abortion Rate Falls to Its Lowest Level Since 1973,” by UFL member Michael New, shows that Guttmacher’s explanations […]

Philosophy Religious views Talks

Colosi on religion in the public square

UFL member Pete Colosi gave a talk about the importance of specifically religious discourse in public square debates about moral issues, including esp. the life issues. He focuses on the dialogue between Habermas, Pera, and Benedict XVI/Ratzinger. He points out, for instance, that Habermas promotes the idea that religious ideas should have equal footing in […]

Bioethics University Faculty for Life

Three by Silecchia

UFL member Lucia A. Silecchia has three recent publications: In “The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Reflections on Four Flaws that Tarnish its Promise,” Silecchia  critiques, among other things, the way in which the Convention fails to protect the dignity of all human life. Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy, Vol. 30, […]

Abortion Assisted suicide Euthanasia

Fr. James Schall, S.J., on the 15 lies at the basis of our culture

Long-time UFL member Fr. James V. Schall, S.J. explains 15 destructive lies that dominate our culture. The first on the list: ….that abortion does not kill a specific, actual human being. All evidence shows that this killing is true. To hold the lie in our souls, we must and do call it a “right” or […]

Abortion Conscience protection International Legislation Research sites and suggestions

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics Conscientious objection

If you are researching conscientious objection, you might want to look at the December 2013 issue of the International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics to see the thought of those who are trying to keep conscientious objection from affecting the availability of abortion. You may want to check your institutions databases to see if you […]

Abortion Conferences University Faculty for Life

In “Abortion and Social Justice: How Pro-Life Advocates are Meeting the Needs of Women Facing Crisis Pregnancies,” the Christian Post covers the recent presentation by Fr. Joe Koterski, UFL board member, to the recent National Convention of Students for Life. Joseph Koterski, associate professor of philosophy at Fordham University, urged the pro-life audience to “go […]


Dr. Ben Carson’s statement on the sanctity of life

In anticipation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Dr. Ben S. Carson, professor-emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University, wrote this commentary for the Washington Times. Attempting to characterize love and compassion for human life as a “war on women” is deceitful and pathetic.  

Abortion Opinion polls

How the face of pro-life advocates is changing

The Public Religion Research Institute published some statistics (“What Will the Next Generation of Anti-Abortion Advocates Look Like? Different.”) about the ever-growing pro-life attitude of young Americans, even those who are not Christians. Of young Americans who oppose abortion, fewer are white Christians* (37 percent) than the nearly 8-in-10 (78 percent) who make up the […]