Constitutionality Contraception Population Control Talks

Collett on the history of contraception laws

Here is a video of Teresa Collett’s talk at Franciscan University Steubenville about the history of contraception laws. She spends significant time on the “right to privacy” discovered in the Griswold  v. Connecticut case that was used in Roe v. Wade. She also spends significant time discussing the HHS mandate, referring to the possible abortifacient effect […]

Research sites and suggestions

AAPLOG position papers

The American Association of Pro Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists has a page of position statements on various issues. The AAPLOG is a 2500 member strong organization of physicians, para-medical personnel, medical students, and organizations and affiliates that seek to promote the cause of life in their work and among their colleagues. Topics include: IS ABORTON […]

University Faculty for Life

Rev. John Conley’s America Column

In January, UFL member Rev. John J. Conley, SJ, titular of the Henry J. Knott Chair of Philosophy and Theology at Loyola University Maryland, began work as a monthly columnist for America, the Jesuit weekly magazine of opinion. Many of his subsequently published essays have dealt with pro-life themes. “An Unwelcome Anniversary” (February) dealt with […]

Abortion Mental health Women's health

New Book on Abortion’s impact on women

The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research has recently released a book called Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women. “Drawing on over 650 published studies from international medical and psychological journals, Complications knocks down the generally accepted idea that abortion is perfectly safe.” More information can be found here.

Abortion Court cases

Forsythe speaks on Roe v. Wade

For those of you in the Twin Cities area, consider going to hear Clarke Forsythe speak on Roe v. Wade on Tuesday, November 5th. Join the Prolife Center at UST this Tuesday night at 7 p.m. to hear constitutional litigator and author, Clarke Forsythe, discuss what events and people led the U.S. Supreme Court to […]


Why do women have abortions?

In a recent opinion piece on LifeSiteNews, Randall K. O’Bannon analyzes a recent study by researches at the University of California San Francisco on the reasons women seek abortions. The opinion piece, “Women have abortions because they feel trapped and hopeless, study finds,” looks at the findings of the article, “Understanding why women seek abortions […]


What kind of issue is abortion

Recently commentators have been going back and forth about Pope Francis’s comments that seemed to some to downplay the Church’s position on some issues, such as abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and divorce.  What I found bizarre was the assertion by some people that all the issues the pope mentioned were “pelvic issues,” or “pelvic zone issues,” […]

Bioethics Research sites and suggestions

Secular biomedical ethics journals

I discovered this list of secular biomedical ethics journals on the NIH web page. It includes a link to this list of journals, books, and other resources on the Canadian Centre for Applied Ethics web page. If you are interested in substantial dialogue with a variety of perspectives on life issues, this would be a good place to […]


How many abortions will be publicly subsidized under ObamaCare?

The Charlotte Lozier Institute research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List has published a paper, “Multi-State Health Plans a Potential Avenue to Tens of Thousands of Publicly Subsidized Abortions,” which estimates that up to 10% of U.S. abortions may be publicly subsidized under ObamaCare. Here is an article on National Review Online by Chuck Donovan, President of […]

Colleges and Universities University Faculty for Life

UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

University Faculty for Life Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research $600 total prizes Possible presentation of work at annual conference Opportunity for publication University Faculty for Life is accepting submissions from college or university students for its Scholarly Achievement Award.  The contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students at any […]