
From Abortion to Infanticide: The Gosnell Case–A Symposium

The Fall Symposium of the University of St. Thomas School of Law Journal of Law and Public Policy Fall Symposium will be “From Abortion to Infanticide: The Gosnell Trial” It will be held Friday, October 4th from 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A number of arguments have been made attempting to mitigate the fallout from […]


Interview about pro-life pioneer Dr. Horatio Storer

Psychologist and UFL member Frederick Dyer was recently interviewed on the Aleteia web page about Dr. Horatio Storer, he 19th century physician who promoted anti-abortion legislation. The article is called, “You’re Alive Today Because of This 19th Century Doctor.” There are links to books and articles by Dyer, as well as these 19th century AMA […]


A new book on the relationship between slavery and abortion

Justin Buckley Dyer’s book, Slavery, Abortion, and the Politics of Constitutional Meaning was recently published by Cambridge University Press. Dyer is Assistant Professor in the Political Science department at the University of Missouri. Here’s the blurb from the web page. For the past forty years, prominent pro-life activists, judges, and politicians have invoked the history […]


BioEdge–Bioethics News from Around the World

BioEdge isn’t a scholarly site, but it does sometimes point to research and studies. Also, it helps us keep abreast of developments “on the ground.” There are also comment discussions of each post.


ProVita Newsletter coming in October

I am beginning to put together the October number of the ProVita Online Newsletter of University Faculty for Life. If you have anything you think would be of use to UFL members or the public at large concerning pro-life scholarship and teaching, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I am looking for contributions in […]

Abortion Contraception Legislation

Oklahoma judge blocks morning-after pill restrictions

In one of two state-related pro-life legal setbacks, District Judge Lisa Davis prevented a law from going into effect in Oklahoma that would have required children under the age of 17 to have a prescription to obtain Plan B One-step pills or generic emergency contraception. Some believe that these pharmaceuticals may have abortifacient effects.  See […]

Adoption Research sites and suggestions

Adoption Survey

The American Association of Pro Life OB/GYNs on their Facebook page mentioned a study being conducted by Priscilla K. Coleman, Ph.D. of Bowling Green State University called “Cross-Cultural Retrospective Study of Women’s Decision Making and Mental Health Outcomes when placing a Child for Adoption.” If you’ve placed a child for adoption in Australia or the US […]

Colleges and Universities

Why UFL?

Frank Beckwith notes the following article: “The Great Conservative Mistake,” by Mark Bauerlein. This may seem off topic, since being pro-life isn’t about being conservative or liberal, but I think it applies to pro-life faculty matatis mutandis. Our job is to do scholarship well. Our successes will be in pointing out the bad scholarship of those […]

Colleges and Universities Uncategorized University Faculty for Life

Signs of hope in the academy

I’d like to begin a series of posts about signs of hope in the academy. There has been a lot of bad news lately, esp. involving the federal government. There have also been some signs of hope in our society, such as the Texas legislative battle and abortion clinic closings. I’ve seen many articles about […]

Abortion Central America Colleges and Universities Conscience protection South America

Chilean call for signatures

José Ignacio Martínez Estay, Vicerrector de Investigación y Postgrado at Universidad de los Andes in Chile, is looking for signatures of American professors on a letter to the editor supporting the right to life from conception to natural death and religious freedom. This is intended to counter pro-abortion letters on the other side that have US […]