Abortion Late-term abortion Legislation Politics

Powers rejects Davis as “hero.”

There is more anecdotal evidence that the consensus in the U.S. against legal late-term abortions is broadening. Most recently columnist Kirsten Powers, labelled a “liberal” by many, in a Daily Beast article called “I don’t stand with Wendy Davis,” came out against Davis’s filibuster of a Texas bill that would make abortion after 20 weeks […]

Conferences Constitutionality Court cases History Uncategorized

Roe v. Wade, the Controversy Continues

The Francis Lewis Law Center of the Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, VA, is sponsoring a symposium called Roe at 40, The Controversy Continues, Nov. 7-8, 2013.  Among the keynote speakers will be Caitlin Borgmann is a professor of law at CUNY School of Law, and Michael Paulsen is a professor of […]

Bioethics Conferences Talks

Beckwith on the Positivist Mentality and the Gospel of Life

Frank Beckwith summarizes some of the points he made in his talk at the Evangelium Vitae conference in Rome (June 15-16) in this The Catholic Thing essay, “Positivist Mentality and the Gospel of Life.” In it he looks at Pope John Paul II’s diagnosis of the intellectual conditions that lead to a Culture of Death in […]

Bioethics Human embryos In vitro fertilization Legislation

Legal Issues and Frozen Embryos

Shirley Darby Howell, Professor of Law at Faulkner University’s Thomas Goode Jones School of Law in Montgomery, Alabama, wrote “The Frozen Embryo: Scholarly Theories, Case Law, and Proposed State Regulation” for the Human Life Review (Spring 2013) and DePaul Journal of Health Care Law (Vol. 14.3:407). She looks at possible state laws that would resolve disputes about […]

Conferences Talks Uncategorized

The Gospel of Life and the New Evangelization

In Rome at the Vatican this weekend the Holy See is presenting a “Day Celebrating Evangelium Vitae,” Pope John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical on life issues.  UFL board member Frank Beckwith is one of the presenters at a panel called “The Gospel of Life and the New Evangelization.”  In an interview with Vatican Radio Beckwith […]


A response to the NY Times article “What Happens to Women Who Are Denied Abortions?”

Priscilla K. Coleman, Director of the World Expert Consortium for Abortion Research and Education (WECARE) responds to the June 12 NY Times article by Josha Lang called  “What Happens to Women Who are Denied Abortions.” Her article, called “What Really Happens to Women Who are Not Denied Abortions? Best Not to Ask NY Times Journalist Joshua […]

Abortion Research sites and suggestions South America

A link between abortion laws and maternal mortality?

A study by Elard Koch, et. al. maternal death rate in Chile over the past few decades shows that the downward trend in maternal mortality rate was not slowed by the prohibition of abortion in 1989, contrary to assertions that maternal mortality rates will increase where abortion is made illegal.  The study, called “Women’s Education […]

Bioethics Research sites and suggestions

Washingon Insider

For updates about the relationship between governmental policy and bioethics (with a Catholic focus), the National Catholic Bioethics Center published the Washington Insider.  It is produced quarterly by Richard Doerflinger, Associate Director of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-life Activities, and William Saunders, Senior Vice President and Senior Counsel of Americans United for Life. Much of the […]

Colleges and Universities University Faculty for Life

Information on Pro-life Library collections needed

Jeff Koloze is looking for information on libraries that specialize in pro-life collections (500+ items. If you have any information on such a collection, send it to the address below: Dr. Jeff Koloze President, Koloze Consultants 10019 Granger Road Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125-3101 216-262-3511 LinkedIn profile:


G.E.M. Anscombe Conference at Oxford

One of the great pro-life philosophers of the 20th century was analytic philsoopher G.E.M. Anscombe, of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.  The Anscomber bioethics Centre and Blackfriars Hall at Oxford are sponsoring a conference called “The Moral Philosophy of Elizabeth Anscombe.” It will be held Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September 2013 at St Hugh’s College, Oxford […]