Abortion Bioethics Human embryos Stem cell research Uncategorized

Are iPS cells already embryos?

Top researcher: iPS cells ‘probably’ already embryos, have already made cloned animals An iPS cell is an induced pluripotent stem cell. They had been thought by many to be ethically safe to destroy during research and therapy. New research is calling that into question.  (Via


UFL ProVita Newsletter: a request

The next issues of the ProVita Newsletter will be coming out next week. There is still time to contribute to the newsletter. I am especially looking for: links or citations of significant research, whether it be from a pro-life perspective, neutral, or even hostile. a historian to write a brief (500 word) column about the place […]


Predatory Open-Access Scholarly Journals

Frank Beckwith has come across a list of predatory online scholarly journals at Scholarly Open Access (which provides “critical analysis of scholarly open access publishing”).  These are journals that don’t meet the ethical or scholar standard of a reputable scholarly journal. The list is available here. The criteria for determining whether a journal is predatory […]

Colleges and Universities

Pro-life group denied recognition at Johns Hopkins

A student group called Voice for Life was recently denied official recognition by the Student Government Association at Johns Hopkins University (Washington Times article here.). Students had complained that the group’s advocacy was offensive. Legal action is being prepared.


Hadley Arkes to speak at St. Thomas in St. Paul

The Prolife Center at the University of St. Thomas and Students for Human Life are sponsoring a talk on Wed., April 3 by Hadley Arkes, Edward N. Ney Professor in American Institutions at Amherst College, architect of the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, and lifelong pro-life advocate. The title of the talk is “Natural Rights and […]


Advancing a Culture of Life symposium

Next weekend (April 5-6) there will be a fantastic symposium in NYC called “Advancing a Culture of Life: pro-life arguments in the coming generation.” Among the speakers will be Thomas Joseph White, O.P., Mary Eberstadt, Paige Hochschild, Francis Beckwith, Ryan T. Anderson, Ashley McGuire, Angela Knobel, R.R. Reno, Yuval Levin, Carter Snead, Anna Halpine, David […]


UFL Conference Call for Papers

The UFL Annual Conference “Life and Learning XXIII” will be held at the University of San Francisco May 31-June 1.  More information, registration and hotel information are available on the UFL web page. There is still time to submit a proposal for a paper to be presented at the Conference. Papers should focus on the […]


Jerome LeJeune article

There was an article in the July-August Celebrate Life Magazine by Barbara Curtiss about Jerome LeJeune, genetic researcher, former UFL Advisory Board member and candidate for canonization in the Catholic Church, whom we highlighted in the July 2012 issue of ProVita. LeJeune was an indefatigable promoter of the culture of life. After discovering the gene anomaly […]

University Faculty for Life

UFL Member Blogs

In the next ProVita Newsletter, which is scheduled to come out in April, I would like to include a list of blogs that members contribute to. This can be either a personal blog or an institutional one.  If you have a blog or know of a ufl member who contributes to one, e-mail me with […]


Vademecum of the anthropology of Bl. John Paul II

Bl. Pope John Paul II did a great deal both philosophically and theologically to bolster the culture of life both before and during his pontificate. Many of you may use his thought in your teaching and research.  The Humanitas Christian Anthropology and Culture Review of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile has published a  free downloadable Vademecum of […]