
UFL in the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars proceedings

I just received in the mail the proceedings from the 2013 convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Freedom and the Moral Law, held in Philadelphica, PA.  It contained pieces by three UFL members: “HHS Mandate Litigation: A Supreme Court Showdown in the Making,” by William Saunders; “Exploring the Christological Nexus between the Ascetical Life and the Moral […]

Assisted Reproduction Bioethics Book review In vitro fertilization Surrogacy

Grondelski interview with Jennifer Lahl

UFL member John M. Grondelski (moral theology) recently interviewed Jennifer Lahl about her three documentaries on artificial reproduction, surrogacy, artificial insemination, and egg donation. “Breeders: A Subclass of Women? — John Grondelski Interviews Jennifer Lahl on Her New Documentary,” in Human Life Review, 40:2 (Spring 2014), 105-12.

Abortion Legislation Politics

National Personhood Alliance and Incrementalism

Recently a debate has sprung up in the pro-life movement about the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable legal incrementalism. The newly-formed National Personhood Alliance is promoting a version of incrementalism that excludes bills which explicitly mention exceptions where abortions would be allowed, such as rape and incest. Their argument is that any bill that explicitly […]

Bioethics Euthanasia Philosophy Religious views

Life Affirming Choices

Peter Colosi is featured in a new video, “Life Affirming Choices,” produced for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The movie looks at end-of-life ethical issues by focusing on the story of a young man, Brenden Flynn, who suffered a significant brain injury in an accident when he was eighteen. Colosi and several other provide a theoretical […]


Biotechnology and the spirituality of St. Francis

At the 2013 Life and Learning Conference in San Francisco, William Hurlbut, Ph.D., gave a memorable plenary talk called ““Stem Cells, Eggs and Embryos: the Controversy Continues.” A friend recently told me about a talk that Dr. Hurlbut gave called “Biotechnology & The Spirituality of Saint Francis.” Here is a link to the audio of the […]

Fetal Development Fetal pain Human embryos Philosophy

What biologists affirm

As I was preparing for the upcoming issue of ProVita, I ran across this book on Amazon: Embryos Under the Microscope: Ths Diverging Meanings of Life, by Jane Maienschein. The author claims to be giving a history of the human knowledge of embryology so that ethical decisions can be based on accurate scientific information. What I found […]

Abortion Fetal pain Legislation

Fetal pain laws and the moral imagination

O. Carter Snead of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture recently gave a talk at the National Right to Life Convention in which he discussed the way fetal pain laws can help citizens develop a moral imagination that sees the unborn as persons.

Abortion Women's health

Study looks at abortion-breast cancer link

According to, researches have conducted a review of 72 studies. The study, “Breast Cancer and Induced Abortion: A Comprehensive Review of Breast Development and Pathophysiology, the Epidemiologic Literature, and Proposal for Creation of Databanks to Elucidate All Breast Cancer Risk Factors,” by Dr. Angela Lanfranchi and Patrick Fagan, Ph.D., was published in Issues in […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conferences International

International Abortion Conference — PEI

The University of Prince Edward Island is hosting a major international abortion promotion conference, Abortion: the Unfinished Revolution, August 7-8. The program gives an idea of what pro-abortion academics are working on these days.

Research sites and suggestions

ProVita coming

I am feverishing working on the July edition of the UFL ProVita Online Newsletter. Please send me any items you would like to be included to [email protected]. I am especially looking for upcoming opportunities for scholarship, such as calls for papers, conferences, symposia, new publications, etc. I am also looking for: News about UFL members New […]