Bioethics Conferences Death and dying Talks University Faculty for Life

Brain Death pro and con

Not all members of UFL agree on every aspect of the pro-life cause. This was evident at one of the sessions during the UFL Life and Learning Conference in June. There were two presentations, one against brain death as a criterion for allowing the removal of organs for transplant and the other for. The first talk, […]

Fetal anomolies and disabilities

Preventing Abortion of Children with Downs Syndrome

LifeSiteNews reports that the Charlotte Lozier Institute has just published a paper by Mark Bradford, of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation USA called “Improving Joyful Lives: Society’s Response to Difference and Disability.” According to LifeSiteNews, the paper “examines societal responses to individuals diagnosed with Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) and makes policy recommendations to further improve their lives.”

Abortion Court cases Health Care Reform Religious views

SCOTUS rules on Hobby Lobby case

I usually leave it to the attorneys to post on legal decisions, but this one seems big, so I want to get it out there. The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialities are exempt from the HHS contraceptive mandate because the terms of the Religious Freedom Restoration […]

Abortion Conferences Contraception Feminism University Faculty for Life

Erika Bachiochi on sexual asymmetry and reproductive justice

The second plenary session on Saturday, June 7, of the UFL Conference was a talk by Erika Bachiochi called, “Women, men, Sexual Asymmetry and Authentic Reproductive Justice.” In it she discusses the natural asymmetry between men and women when it comes to the consequences of sexual activity: because of the possibility of pregnancy women have […]

Abortion Conferences Mental health University Faculty for Life

Peace Psychology considers Abortion

There were many great break-out session talks at the Life and Learning Conference earlier this month. I was unable to attend them all, but in the next few posts I will give a description of some of them that I did hear. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of UFL, one can hear talks from a […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Scholarly Achievement Award

One of the highlights of the UFL Life and Learning Conference every June is the Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research given to talented undergraduate and graduate students.  This year the awards were given by Jeff Koloze and Clara Sarrocco at the Saturday night banquet in an Oscar-style presentation, complete with “And the […]

Abortion Court cases

HHS Mandate court ruling in Oklahoma

According to a National Catholic Register article, A federal judge in Oklahoma has issued an injunction that protects several Catholic organizations, including for-profit ones, from the enforcement of the HHS “contraception” mandate. The plaintiffs used the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as the basis of their suit. The judge affirmed the core ruling in the Hobby Lobby cases […]

Conferences Religious views Talks University Faculty for Life

First plenary session: Mother Agnes Donovan, SV

The first plenary session on Saturday of the Life and Learning Convention featured Mother Agnes Donovan of the Sisters for Life. The title of her talk was “Witness to Truth: A Spirituality to Sustain Us.” Mother Agnes invited pro-life activists to invite the doubtful and the hurting into a relationship of love with Jesus, who […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Conference a success!

This past weekend UFL held its annual Life and Learning Conference on the beautiful, rose-bedecked campus of Fordham University in the Bronx. The meeting featured a combination of keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and awards banquets. Among the highlights was the presentation of the annual Smith Award to Helen Alvaré, Professor of Law at George Mason University […]

Conferences University Faculty for Life

UFL Conference details, June 6-7

More details about the 2014 Life and Learning Conference are now available on the UFL Conference web page. Resides registration and housing information, you will find a detailed schedule and information about transportation. Registration begins at 12:00 p.m. on Friday. The conference runs through the Saturday evening banquet. Note that the Smith award will be given […]