Abortion International United Nations

Geneva Consensus Declaration

Here is a link to a piece by Austin Ruse discussing the Geneva Consensus Declaration. The “Declaration says what pro-lifers have maintained for decades at the UN, that there is no global right to abortion and that abortion cannot be imposed by the UN because abortion is a matter of national sovereignty.” The United States took […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality

6th Circuit Upholds Kentucky Abortion Regulations

Here is a link to a post by Jonathan Adler on a recent 6th Circuit decision that vacated a federal district court decision enjoining a Kentucky law regulating abortions. The law required abortion providers to have written transfer agreements with local hospitals. As Adler explains, the 2-1 decision illustrates the continuing importance of the concurring […]

Abortion Pro Vita UFL's Newsletter Women's health

Summer 2020 Issue of Pro Vita is now available!!!

Thanks to the fine editorial work of Margaret Hughes, the Summer 2020 issue of Pro Vita, the newsletter of University Faculty for Life, is now available. Here. This issue features regular contributions from Father Joe Koterski, Chris Kaczor, and Richard Myers. There is a brief recap of the 2020 annual meeting and the usual collection […]

Life & Learning

Life & Learning XXX is now available!!!

The 30th volume of Life & Learning is now available at this link. Life & Learning is the annual volume of University Faculty for Life. The papers are largely papers from our annual conferences. Since its inception, the series has been under the expert editorial supervision of Father Joseph W. Koterski S.J.  We are grateful […]

Abortion Born-Alive Infants Protection Act

Hadley Arkes on President Trump’s Executive Order

Here is a link to a good essay by Hadley Arkes on President Trump’s recent executive order dealing with the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.


Justice Ginsburg and abortion

With the death of Justice Ginsburg and the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, there has been much speculation about the potential for a change on the Court with regard to abortion. For a good essay exploring some of these issues, see the essay by Rita Joseph entitled “Justice Ginsburg’s brilliant career marred by monumental […]

Death and dying Euthanasia Religious Views Religious views

“Solidarity vs. solitude: a meditation on euthanasia”

Here is a link to good essay by Michael Cook discussing the Vatican’s recent document on assisted suicide and euthanasia. In response to the trend towards legalization and acceptance of assisted suicide and euthanasia, the document (which is entitled Samaritanus Bonus) from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith sets forth a clear reaffirmation […]

Abortion Politics

“Four reasons a Democratic administration would mean more abortions”

Here is a link to a very good piece by Richard Doerflinger in America magazine. Here is his concluding paragraph: “In this essay I am not assessing the overall record or suitability of these candidates. But it is clear that the Trump-Pence administration will seek to reduce abortions and make further progress against Roe v. […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Eighth Circuit Relies on Chief Justice Roberts’s Opinion in Arkansas Abortion Case

Here is a link a story in the National Law Journal about a decision from the United State Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. The appellate court relied on Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion in June Medical. Roberts’s vote was the controlling factor in June Medical and he endorsed a view of the undue burden […]

Abortion Constitutionality

Sen. Hawley on Judicial Nominees and Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to an essay in Public Discourse by Senator Josh Hawley from Missouri.  The essay is entitled “Judicial Nominees Must Explicitly Acknowledge That Roe was Wrongly Decided.” Here is his penultimate paragraph: “Now, some will say that this is yesterday’s battle—that we should just accept Roe and move on, that today’s Supreme […]