
Argentina Defeats Bill to Legalize Abortion

Here and here are links to stories about the good news that the Argentina Senate voted against legalization of abortion.


The AMA and physician-assisted suicide

Here is a link to a good piece by Alex Schadenberg on the current debate within the AMA about physician-assisted suicide. He discusses a powerful op-ed by Dr. Thomas E. Sullivan who strongly supports retention of the AMA policy against physician-assisted suicide.


commentary on recent polls on abortion

There has been a lot of news coverage of late on polls that purport to show that most Americans support Roe v. Wade. Here and here are links to two pieces analyzing the polls. In reality, the polls indicate that most Americans do not support Roe v. Wade, which effectively legalized abortion on demand.


Paul Linton on Overruling Roe v. Wade

In light of the speculation about the impact of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to replace Justice Kennedy, I thought I’d call attention to a good piece by Paul Linton that was published in University Faculty for Life’s 2017 volume. Here is a link to the article. Here is the abstract– “This paper addresses two issues that would […]


Michael New on the Gallup poll on abortion

Here is a link to a very good piece by Michael New. Here is his concluding paragraph– “These Gallup data show that the U.S. regime of abortion-on-demand, throughout all nine months of pregnancy, is inconsistent with the attitudes of most Americans. Strong majorities, across a wide range of demographic groups, oppose both second- and third-trimester […]


Trump Selects Kavanaugh to replace Kennedy

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. If confirmed, Kavanaugh will likely tip the balance of the Court on many contentious issues, including abortion.


Latest Gallup poll on abortion

Here is a link to a story about the latest Gallup poll on abortion. The results are largely unchanged from prior years. While Americans are becoming more liberal on other social issues, this poll indicates that the pro-life movement has been successful in its educational efforts. A majority of Americans support restricting abortion in all […]


AMA votes to continue its evaluation of assisted suicide

The AMA, which has long opposed physician-assisted suicide, is in the midst of a reevaluation of this position. A change would have enormous consequences because the views of medical organizations are often relied upon when legislatures and courts consider the issue in various contexts. As noted on this blog recently, the AMA’s Council on Ethical […]


“The Trump Administration Must Keep Abortion out of Humanitarian Law and Policy”

Here is a good essay in Public Discourse by Stefano Gennarini. He describes continuing efforts to promote a right to abortion in international law and suggests how the Trump Administration ought to respond. Here is his conclusion: “The stakes are higher than ever for the pro-life cause internationally. The Trump administration must continue to push the United […]


US Supreme Court vacates decision involving undocumented teen’s abortion

Here is a link to the Court’s decision in Azar v. Garza. In this case, the DC Circuit had allowed an undocumented teen who was in custody to obtain an abortion over the government’s objection. Because the teen obtained an abortion, the Supreme Court considered the case moot and, pursuant to its standard practice, vacated the […]