
“Unwelcome Guests: Disabled People and the New Eugenics”

Here is a link to a recently published essay by my colleague Steve Mikochik who explains why disabled people are so concerned about the legalization of assisted suicide.


“Beyond Roe: A Global Roadmap for the Pro-Life Movement”

Here is a link to a very good piece by Stefano Gennarini published by Public Discourse. Here are his concluding paragraphs— “We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the history of the pro-life movement internationally. And it requires President Trump to once again challenge the status quo. His willingness to defy the seemingly unassailable orthodoxies of […]


Wesley Smith on Death with Dignity

Here is a link to a good column by Wesley Smith on true death with dignity


Germain Grisez, R.I.P.

Here is a link to a very good essay by John Finnis on Germain Grisez. Grisez passed away on February 1, 2018. Grisez was a prolific scholar who contributed important work on many topics, including abortion and euthanasia. Here is a link to a comprehensive website (The Way of the Lord Jesus) detailing Grisez’s work.


“Echoes of Charlie Gard”

Here is a good article by John Burger discussing several cases in the UK involving disputes between doctors and parents about the medical treatment that ought to be provided to children. In the cases discussed, doctors have decided to discontinue treatment they regard as futile. The parents want to have treatment provided or want to seek […]


Senate Fails to Pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

On January 29, 2018, the Senate, by a vote of  51-46, failed to invoke cloture and thus prevented a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks. Here and here are news items about the Senate’s action.


“Science is Giving the Pro-Life Movement a Boost”

Here is a link to an interesting article in The Atlantic.


Chris Kaczor on “A dubious defense of ‘after-birth abortion'”.

There have been numerous critiques of the infamous article by Giubilini & Minerva on “after-birth abortion.” Chris Kaczor has been a forceful critic of the original article. J. Rasanen wrote a ctique of Kaczor’s work and Chris has now published a response in Bioethics. Here is a link to Chris Kaczor’s article entitled “A dubious defense […]


45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. Here is a link to my article entitled “Re-Reading Roe v. Wade,” which was presented at Washington & Lee Law School at a 2013 conference organized by Sam Calhoun.


Administration creates new HHS Division to protect conscience and religious freedom

Here and here are stories from LifeNews and National Right to Life News about the Administration’s creation of “The Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” within HHS. The new Division will focus on enforcing existing conscience protections in federal law.