
Wisconsin’s Unborn Child Protection Act

Wisconsin’s Unborn Child Protection Act gives the state “the legal authority to assist substance-addicted, pregnant women with their addiction, thus protecting both the mothers and their unborn children.” (The quote is from an article noting a press release issued by Wisconsin’s Attorney General; the article is available here.) The Wisconsin statute was held unconstitutional by a federal district […]


commentary on the Charlie Gard case

Here are links to two particularly insightful comments on the Charlie Gard case. Here is a very good piece by Melissa Moschella emphasizing the importance of parental rights. Here is an analysis of the ethical issues from the Anscombe Bioethics Centre.


“Physician-assisted suicide: Dead in some states, routine in others”

Here is a link to a good piece by Richard Doerflinger on the status of assisted suicide in the US. He notes that the momentum in favor of physician assisted suicide has stalled but that in states where physician assisted suicide is legal the practice is “more hidden from public view and even routine.”


“A Dutch euthanasia pioneer surveys the wreckage and despairs”

Here is a link to a good piece by Michael Cook exploring the views of Dr. Chabot about euthanasia in the Netherlands. Chabot was involved in an important case in the early 1990s that helped open the door to the legalization of euthanasia. But Chabot is concerned about the current practices. Cook reports: “Now Dr Chabot looks back and is horrified. Writing […]


abortion and women’s health

Here is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a new book detailing the ill effects of abortion on women’s health.


New Gallup poll on abortion

Here and here are links to stories about the newest Gallup poll on abortion. The numbers indicate that 54% of Americans support prohibiting all or most abortions. Here is Dave Andrusko’s assessment: “All in all, pro-lifers should be very encouraged by the latest numbers from Gallup.”


New Gallup poll on euthanasia

Here is a link to a report on the latest Gallup poll on euthanasia. The headline is–“Majority of Americans Remain Supportive of Euthanasia.” Currently. 73% support euthanasia, which is the highest level of support since 2005. Here is quick summary–“Support for euthanasia is nearly double what it was when Gallup first polled on the question […]


Nevada rejects assisted suicide law

Here is a link to a story about good news from Nevada.


Texas passes pro-life law

Here  is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a new pro-life law in Texas. The story begins: “Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 8 into law. Senate Bill 8 prohibits partial-birth abortion, regulates the disposition of abortion victims, and, as amended, bans dismemberment abortions.”


“Are Pro-Life Laws based on Sound Science? Yes. Here’s How”

Here is a very good article by Dr. Michael New in which he rebuts a recent Guttmacher Institute analysis claiming that many pro-life laws have no scientific basis. Here is New’s evaluation: “The Guttmacher analysis evaluates ten major types of pro-life laws and details the ways in which they supposedly conflict with established science. The […]