
Papers from the 2016 University Faculty for Life conference now available on-line

Many of the papers from the excellent 2016 University Faculty for Life conference held at Marquette are now available on-line at this link. Many thanks to Father Koterski S.J. for his work on editing these papers. There are several papers dealing with brain death and assisted suicide, among many other topics.


interview with Richard Doerflinger on assisted suicide and euthanasia

Here is a link to a good interview with Richard Doerflinger on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.


Matthew Franck’s commentary on Gosnell

Here  is link to an excellent essay by Matthew Franck entitled “Kermit Gosnell and the Ideology of Abortion on Demand.”


“Science, Embryonic Autonomy, and the Question of When Life Begins”

Here is a link to a good essay by Ana Maria Dumitru.  Here is the conclusion: “So let’s stop deflecting. It’s time to own up to the truth. Science has already affirmed what we have long since suspected: we can call them fertilized eggs, zygotes, morulas, blastocysts, products of conception, embryos, or fetuses, but that doesn’t […]


Re-Reading Roe v. Wade

Yesterday was the 44th anniversary of the Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. Here is a link to my article entitled “Re-Reading Roe v. Wade,” which was presented at Washington & Lee Law School at a conference organized by Sam Calhoun.


Congressional efforts to nullify DC assisted suicide law

Here is a story in the National Right to Life News about congressional efforts to nullify DC’s assisted suicide law. The law was passed by the DC Council in December of 2016. Congress has the ability to nullify such laws, although the time-frame for so doing is short.


“Experts warn Australians against following overseas experience with euthanasia”

Here is a good article from MercatorNet about the dangers of legalizing euthanasia.


tributes to Nat Hentoff

Here, here, and here are links to tributes to Nat Hentoff, who died on Saturday January 7, 2017 at the age of 91. Hentoff described himself as “a Jewish, atheist, civil libertarian, left-wing pro-lifer.” Wesley Smith once commented that “Hentoff’s advocacy cuts a wide swath across what are often called ‘the life issues.’ Indeed, his unyielding […]


slippery slopes

Here is a link to a good essay by Margaret Somerville entitled–“Euthanasia: it’s a long, long, long way down.” Her essay discusses the logical and practical slippery slopes, and also the idea that “no potential slippery slope exists” because “the diminishment or repeal of existing restrictions [on euthanasia] is not recognized as a slippery slope, rather, […]


Alabama Supreme Court ruling protects the unborn

On December 30, 2016, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the phrase “minor child” in the state’s Wrongful Death Act includes a pre-viable fetus. Justice Parker’s special concurrence noted that Alabama law generally protects the unborn from the moment of conception, and that “[t]he fact that life begins at conception is beyond refutation.” Justice Parker noted, as […]