
DC City Council approves assisted suicide bill

Here are links to two articles discussing today’s vote by the DC City Council. The Council still must vote on the law in 2 weeks, and so this isn’t settled yet. DC City Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide. That’ll Change Us All, for the Worse.


“Life Worthy of Life: Down Syndrome, Equality, and My Son Silas”

Here is a link to a very good essay by Robert McFarland written to mark National Down Syndrome Awareness month. Here’s his conclusion: “Those of us blessed by the love of someone with an extra twenty-first chromosome look forward to October. It provides us with an opportunity to push beyond clinical diagnoses. Our message is […]


Belgium and euthanizing the mentally ill

Here’s a very good blog post from Alex Schadenberg on the welcome criticism of the all-too-common practice in Belgium of euthanizing the mentally ill.


Two good editorials opposing Colorado proposal to legalize “aid-in-dying”

In the National Right to Life News, Dave Andrusko reports on two recent editorials opposing Proposition 106.  Here’s the conclusion of one of the editorials: “Death with Dignity” sounds like compassion. Evil is often disguised as good. Few among us want dying patients to suffer needlessly against their will. This ill-conceived proposal is not the […]


9th Circuit upholds California law that forces pro-life resource centers to promote abortion

On October 14, 2016 the 9th Circuit upheld a California law that forces pro-life resource centers to promote abortion. Here’s a report from Lifesitenews, Here’s a quote from Matthew Bowman from Alliance Defending Freedom, who argued the case for the pro-life centers: “It’s bad enough if the government tells you what you can’t say, but a […]


Conference at BYU on Assisted Suicide

Here’s a link to an upcoming conference at BYU Law School. The conference is this Friday October 14, 2016. The conference, which will address “Assisted Suicide: Impacts Upon Families and Society,” is sponsored by the Marriage & Family Law Research Project of BYU’s law school and by the Ave Maria Law Review.  Selected papers will be published by […]


Great profile of Teresa Collett!!!

Here’s a link to a great profile of Teresa Collett. ‘Retaining Teachers’ Event at Wilder Foundation

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia Legislation

“Assisted Suicide in D.C.”

Here’s a link to a very good commentary by Elyse Smith on a bill that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in DC. Assisted Suicide in D.C. Here’s Smith’s conclusion: “Once a society buys into the lie that our dignity and value are expendable at will, determined by a utilitarian ethic, measured in terms of our economic productivity […]


Euthanasia for children in Belgium

From, here is a story marking a deplorable development–the first reported instance of euthanasia of a minor in Belgium. The details are sketchy, but you can be sure that this won’t be the last. First Child Dies After Belgium Approves Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children Here’s additional commentary on this from Michael Cook.


“Why Colorado Voters Should Reject Ballot Measure to Legalize Assisted Suicide”

Here is a link to a very good article by Tim Bradley on a Colorado ballot measure that would legalize assisted suicide. Bradley states: “[The Colorado measure and other such proposals] should be strongly opposed for many reasons: they extend false mercy and compassion to those who are vulnerable to seeking assisted suicide, they corrupt the […]