Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia

Ryan Anderson on assisted suicide

Here is a link to an excellent paper on assisted suicide by Ryan Anderson.  The title explains his basic message: “Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality.”    


Randy Beck on “Fetal Viability and Twenty-Week Abortion Statutes”

Professor Randy Beck (University of Georgia School of Law) has written a series of terrific articles exploring the “viability” line created in Roe. Wade.  Here is a link to his recent article entitled “Fetal Viability and Twenty-Week Abortion Statutes.” The article is well worth a careful read. Here is his conclusion: “For over four decades, the Supreme Court has enforced […]


Professor Charles E. Rice, RIP

Professor Charles Rice–pro-life champion and long-time professor of law at Notre Dame Law School died last night. Here is a link to a book review of one of Charlie’s s most recent books. Eternal rest grant unto him,  O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the […]


tributes to Dr. Willke

Here are a couple of other tributes to Dr. Jack Willke. “Jack Willke, Witneess for Life,” by Chuck Donovan in First Things. “Father of the pro-life movement Jack Willke died on Friday,” on

Assisted suicide Canada Constitutionality Court Cases Euthanasia International

Carter v. Canada

Here are a couple of articles on today’s decision from the Supreme Court of Canada invalidating laws banning physician assisted suicide. The Court overruled its earlier decision in the Rodriguez case, which had rejected a constitutional challenge to such laws. Canada Strikes Down Ban on Assisted Suicide, Says it Violates the Right to Life […]


Reflections on Roe v. Wade and the March for Life

Even though the New York Times and other media outlets routinely ignore the March for Life, the annual March on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade is one of the most significant phenomena in recent American history. In its 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court thought it settled the abortion […]

Media treatment

March for Life coverage

See the links below. I still find it hard to believe how the March is downplayed in places such as the New York Times. I looked through the Times this morning and found a half a sentence referring to the March. That phrase mentioned that there were “thousands” of people in attendance. Hundreds of Thousands […]

Abortion Conscience protection

Catholic midwives can be forced to supervise abortions

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom today rejected the right to conscience claims of Mary Doogan and Connie Wood. Doogan and Wood are midwives who “are practicing Roman Catholics who believe that human life is sacred from the moment of conception and that termination of pregnancy is a grave offence against human life.”  Doogan and […]

Abortion Constitutionality

Supreme Court refuses to review decision invalidating Arizona abortion restriction

On Monday December 15, 2014, the Supreme Court refused to review a Ninth Circuit ruling that held unconstitutional an Arizona “law that requires abortionists to use federal standards in administering chemical abortions.”  The FDA protocol, which was developed in 2000, calls for RU-486 to be used only in the first seven weeks of pregnancy.  Since that time, […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality Court cases

Saunders and Burke on the fate of the Texas abortion law

Here is a link to a good article by Bill Saunders and Denise Burke describing recent developments in cases challenging aspects of the Texas abortion law. The Supreme Court recently prevented the implementation of two parts of the Texas law–the requirement that doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at local hospitals and the requirement that abortion clinics […]