Abortion Sex-selection abortion

UK Prime Minister criticizes sex-selection abortion

Here is an interesting story reporting UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s criticism of sex-selection abortion. One of the interesting things about this issue is the trouble people who support abortion rights have in explaining why sex-selection sbortion is an “appalling practice.” The story reports a comment that “This is not a debate about the rights […]

Abortion Opinion polls

Poll shows most Americans oppose most abortions

Here are links to stories from LifeNews,, and the National Right to Life News, , discussing a recent CNN poll that shows that most Amerians oppose most abortions, and that most Americans oppose public funding of abortion. This confirms the results of other polls in recent years. Richard M.


Micahel Paulsen paper on the analogy between abortion and slavery

Here is a link to Michael Paulsen’s paper entitled “The Insistent Analogy to Slavery.” This paper was presented at the “Roe at 40” conference at Washington & Lee Law School. The conference was supported by University Faculty for Life, among others, and largely came about through the hard work of Sam Calhoun. The papers from the conference, including Professor […]


Mikey Cortez and the Cortez family

I am sure that many have already read about Mikey Cortez and his loving family. I thought it was important though to include a mention of him and his family on this blog. After Mikey Cortez was injured in car crash in 1982, his family promised to always care for him. The story of their love and care […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

sex-selection abortion

Here is a good essay by Daniel Kuebler explaining why the US ought to ban sex-selection abortion. Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

US Supreme Court refuses to hear Arizona abortion case

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story discussing the Court’s refusal to hear a case involving the constitutionality of Arizona’s statute that prohibited abortion after 18 weeks. The Ninth Circuit had invalidated the law and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Richard M.

Abortion Women's health

New book on abortion’s negative impact on women

Here is a story from National Right to Life News about a new book on abortion’s negative impact on women. The book, “Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women,” see, is by Angela Lanfranchi, Ian Gentels, and Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy. Here is a comment (from the NRL story) from Priscilla Coleman about the book: “This book comes […]

Abortion Philosophy

Cardinal Ratzinger speech on threats to human life

I just had the occasion to re-read a terrific speech that then-Cardinal Ratzinger gave back in 1991 entitled “The Problem of Threats to Human Life.” The speech anticipated Pope John Paul II’s great encyclical Evangelium Vitae. Soon after re-reading the speech, I realized that Father John Conley, SJ, gave  a talk at the 2005 University Faculty for […]

Abortion Women's health

new study on abortion/breast cancer link

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story on an important new study on the link between abortion and breast cancer. Richard Myers

Abortion Conferences Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion University Faculty for Life

Roe at 40 conference

On November 7-8, 2013, Washington & Lee University School of Law hosted a conference marking the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The conference, Roe at 40: The Controversy Continues,,  was largely organized by Sam Calhoun (a member of the UFL Board). The conference was co-sponsored by University Faculty for Life, ACLU of Virginia, Virginia NOW, the […]