Abortion Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion

Planned Parenthood opposes Utah bill banning sex-selection abortions

Here is a link to a story describing Planned Parenthood’s opposition to a bill in Utah that would ban sex-selection abortions. Richard M.  

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

Georgia fetal pain law challenged

The Georgia ACLU has challenged Georgia’s statute prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks to prevent fetal pain. Here is an earlier post on the passage of the Georgia law. Richard M.

Abortion International

Richard Wilkins passes away at 59

The pro-life and pro-family causes suffered a great loss earlier this week with the untimely passing of Richard Wilkins. He will be sorely missed. Professor Wilkins was a featured speaker at UFL’s 2005 conference. Here is a link to his paper from that conference. Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality

Criminal penalties for women who self-abort?

Here is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a British women who was sentenced for aborting her own child in the last week of pregnancy. In the US, the Ninth Circuit (on September 11, 2012) held unconstitutional an Idaho law prohibiting self-abortion. Here is commentary from Walter Weber. […]

University Faculty for Life

Call for Papers in First Things

The call for papers for the 23rd annual University Faculty for Life conference is on page 63 of the most recent issue of First Things (October 2012 issue). (The same information is on the UFL website, ) The conference will be at the University of San Francisco on May 31-June1, 2013. Richard M.  


Michael Paulsen essay on abortion and rape

Here is a good essay (The Right to Life and the Irrelevance of Rape) by Michael Paulsen. Here is key portion of his argument: “The fact of rape is irrelevant. Rape is tragic, awful, horrible, gut-wrenching—an unspeakable crime of great emotional harm—but rape is essentially irrelevant to the morality of abortion. The issue is […]

Abortion Presidential Actions

interesting essay on abortion and judicial conservatism

On Public Discourse, here is the first part of a two-part essay by Michael Fragoso entitled “Abortion and the Courts: A Brief Political History of Judicial Conservatism.” Fragoso takes issue with the view that presidential elections don’t matter because judges appointed by Republican presidents have been, from the perspective of the pro-life movement, “at best–part of the problem  […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Pregnancy Assistance Centers

4th Circuit will rehear important crisis pregnancy center/free speech cases

Back in June, I reported on two important decisions from the Fourth Circuit.   Those cases involved laws that require crisis pregnancy centers to post notices stating that the centers don’t have medical professionals on staff and encouraging women to consult with a licensed health care provider. In June, a panel of the Fourth Circuit held that these compelled speech laws […]

Abortion Feminism Politics

Michael New’s review of Jane Gilroy’s book on Ellen McCormack

Here is a link to Michael New’s review of Jane Gilroy’s book on Ellen McCormack.  McCormack’s 1976 presidential campaign was an important moment in the history of the pro-life movement. New notes: “This campaign is nicely chronicled in Jane Gilroy’s new book A Shared Vision. Gilroy gives some well-deserved attention to the accomplishments of a […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

9th Circuit enjoins Arizona’s law banning abortion after 20 weeks

Here is a link to a LifeNews article on the 9th Circuit’s ruling to enjoin an Arizona law banning abortions after 20 weeks based on fetal pain. On July 30, 2012, Judge Teilborg of the US District Court for the District of Arizona upheld the constitutionality of the Arizona law. Judge Teilborg’s ruling included this passage: […]