Conscience protection Pharmacies

right to conscience victory in Plan B case

Here is a link to the federal district court opinion in the Storman case. This case, which has been in litigation for nearly 5 years, involves a challenge to a Washington Board of Pharmacy regulation that requires pharmacies to dispense “emergency contraceptives” despite a religious objection to dispensing these drugs. In yesterday’s ruling, the court […]

Abortion Court cases

Alabama Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to an article on a recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court in which Justice Parker critiques Roe’s viability standard. The Alabama case did not involve abortion. The case dealt with how to interpret Alabama’s wrongful death statute. Justice Parker’s decision notes the anomaly between how the unborn is treated in […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Justice Ginsburg: Roe moved too far too fast

Here is an AP story noting Justice Ginsburg’s comments (which she has expressed in the past) that Roe v. Wade “moved too far too fast.” After noting that the Court had other options to adopting the sweeping approach it took in Roe V. Wade, Justice Ginsburg commented: “The court made a decision that made every abortion law in the […]

Abortion Women's health

academics to study impact of abortion on women

Here is a short item by Priscilla Coleman about a new group (WECARE; that will study the impact of abortion on women. Here is her description of the organization: “WECARE is a 501c3 organization newly established to bring together credentialed scientists with a research program on the physical, psychological, and/or relational effects of abortion to […]

Europe Euthanasia International

Council of Europe adopts Resolution against Euthanasia

Courtesy of, here is an analysis by Gregor Puppinck of the resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Resolution includes this strong statement:“Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be […]


Michael Paulsen’s essay on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to a very good essay (“The Unbearable Wrongness of Roe”) by Michael Paulsen. The essay was posted today, the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  As Paulsen notes, today thousands will be marching for life in Washington DC and around the country. The number of young people at these marches […]

Death and dying Europe Euthanasia International

Wesley Smith post on euthanasia in Belgium

Here is a link to an interesting post by Wesley Smith on the further advance of euthanasia in Belgium. Richard m.

Colleges and Universities Conferences

Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life

Here is the link to the Cardinal O’Connor Conference website. This year’s conference, which will be held at Georgetown University on January 22, 2012, features an impressive line-up of speakers including Archbishop Chaput and US Representatives Chris Smith, Jean Schmidt, and Ane Maria Buerkle.    Richard M.


more on Truman and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Back in December, I mentioned an intriguing debate about Harry Truman’s decision to drop the atomic bombs. Here, from Christopher Tollefsen, is the latest contribution to the debate (which I had not seen until recently). The debate has important implications for the pro-life cause. Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Free Speech Informed consent

Texas sonogram law can be enforced

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed a Texas law requiring that doctors show sonograms to women seeking an abortion to be enforced. A lower court had prevented the law from being enforced but the 5th Circuit has now reveresed that ruling. The court, in an opinion by Judge Edith Jones,  noted that states are permitted to require doctors […]