Abortion Late-term abortion

Sam Calhoun’s paper on Kermit Gosnell

Here is the abstract of Sam Calhoun’s paper on Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell, and a link to the abstract and paper. Sam presented a version of this  paper at the University of Faculty for Life conference at Notre Dame in June 2011. “This article focuses on three of the atrocities committed by Philadelphia abortion […]

Abortion Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion

Michael Paulsen essay on sex-selection abortions

Here is a link to an essay by Michael Paulsen that was published today on the Public Discourse blog. After noting the practice of abortion for sex-selection, Paulsen discusses the prospect that a law banning abortion for reasons of sex selection might force the Supreme Court to confront the realities of its abortion case law. […]

Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia International

Dutch proposal to expand meaning of “unbearable suffering”

Here is a link to a post on Wesley Smith’s blog about  a position paper from the Dutch Physician’s Association seeking to expand the factors to be considered in assessing whether a patient’s suffering is “unbearable,” thus making the patient eligible for assisted suicide.  According to the article to which Smith refers–“Until now, factors such as income […]


Changing Minds, Saving Lives

“Changing Minds, Saving Lives” is the title of a good essay by Nicholas DiFonzo (Rochester Institute of Technology) in the November 2011 of First Things. The essay is based on a talk that Nicholas delivered at the 2011 University Faculty for Life conference, whcih was held in June at the University of Notre Dame. The essay […]

Abortion Bioethics

NCBQ and the Phoenix abortion case

The most recent issue of the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Vol. 11, no. 3; Autumn 2011) contains several articles that continue the discussion about the Phoenix abortion case and related matters. The issue contains articles by Rev. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, OP (Abortion in a Case of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension), Thomas A. Cavanaugh (Double-Effect Reasoning, […]

Abortion International United Nations

San Jose Articles presented at UN briefing

The San Jose Articles were presented at a UN briefing today. The Articles, which challenge the widespread claims that international law supports a right to abortion, were discussed by Robert George and Grover Joseph Rees. See Richard M.

Abortion Mental health

abortion and mental health

Courtesy of the National Right to Life News, here is a story discussing a new journal article on the link between abortion and mental health. Richard M.

Abortion Canada infanticide

Canadian infanticide case

Here is the LifeSiteNews story about a stunning case in Canada. In 2005, a 19 year old woman gave birth to a baby and then killed the newborn. After several failed efforts to prosecute her for 2d degree murder, she was convicted of the lesser charge of infanticide. The judge gave her a suspended sentence, […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

Council of Europe and sex-selection abortion

Here is a link to an article about a resolution that will go before the Council of Europe next month. According to the resolution, hospitals would be barred from disclosing to pregnant mothers the sex of their unborn baby. The draft resolution, which was recently passed by the Council’s equal opportunities committee, is motivated by the increasing concern about […]

Death and dying Euthanasia

“All Dutch doctors must be complicit in euthanasia killing”

That quote is from the title of a recent blog post by Wesley Smith.  Smith is commenting on a new position paper from the Dutch Medical Association that says that doctors must participate in euthanasia or at least refer to a doctor who is so willing. We have seen this in other areas as well. For example, […]