Abortion Constitutionality Legislation

An article on the “personhood movement”

Here is a link to an article in The New Republic entitled–“A Radical New Ploy to Destroy Roe v. Wade–Which Just Might Work.” It is the article that occasioned the blog debate on personhood that Teresa addressed in her earlier post on this blog. The article focuses on the “personhood movement” with particular attention to a personhood […]

Abortion Court cases Fetal pain

Idaho law banning abortion to prevent fetal pain challenged in federal court

Here are stories from the National Right to Life News and LifeNews on a lawsuit that has been filed challenging the constitutionality of Idaho’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortion after 20 weeks to prevent fetal pain. and Richard M.


more on selective reduction

On the Mirror of Justice blog, here is an excellent post by John Breen. Breen focuses on an analysis by Michael New from NRO. Perhaps the concerned reactions of pro-choice advocates to the NY Times story reveal a natural human response to the taking of an innocent human life. Selective reduction, just as did partial birth […]

Death and dying Hospice

“No One Dies Alone”

Here is a very encouraging blog post by Wesley Smith reporting on the “No One Dies Alone” program. The program relies on volunteers to spend time with and to provide support for patients who would otherwise die alone. What a great form of solidarity and of true compassion. Richard M.

Abortion Assisted Reproduction

Bill Saunders on “selective reduction”

Here is a good article by Bill Saunders on the NY Times article on “selective reduction.” Richard M.

Abortion Population Control

Vice President Biden’s Remarks on China’ one-child policy

Here is the Lifenews story on Vice-President’s remarks on China’s one-child policy. Biden said he wasn’t “second-guessing” China’s policy, although he did note that the policy was not sustainable because there wouldn’t be enough young people to support any sort of social safety net for the elderly. Biden ignored the coercive measures (forced abortions and […]

Abortion Feminism Philosophy

abortion and sex equality arguments

Here is a new article by Priscilla Smith (“Give Justice Ginsburg What She Wants: Using Sex Equality Arguments to Demand Examination of the Legitimacy of State Interests in Abortion Regulation“) advocating that pro-abortion litigants use sex discrimination arguments in challenging laws restricting abortion. Priscilla Smith is a former attorney for the Center for Reproductive Rights. Erika Bachiochi’s […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

Another NY Times article on the “brave new world”

Here is a link to another NY Times article discussing the ethical implications of pre-natal tests that allow pregnant women to learn the sex of their unborn children.  The article focuses on the new tests that allow women to learn the sex of their baby very early during pregnancy, with the concern that this will increase abortions for reasons of sex-selection. […]

Abortion Assisted Reproduction

more commentary on NY Times story on “selective reduction”

Last week, I posted an item about the NY Times story on selective reduction. There has been continuing commentary on this story. Here are links to a couple of posts on the Mirror of Justice blog. Here and Richard M.

Abortion Philosophy

Frank Beckwith’s commentary on Thomson’s “A Defense of Abortion”

Here is a link to Frank Beckwith’s recent column discussing Judith Jarvis Thomson’s famous article entitled “A Defense of Abortion.” In the article, Thomson presented the violinist analogy.  Frank’s discussion in this column  criticizes Thomson’s analogy for “not really granting the pro-life view of persoonhood.” He concludes this column with this paragraph:  “Because of these institutions and ways […]