
NY Times magazine story on “selective reduction”

The New York Times magazine has a story entitled “The Two-Minus-One Pregnancy,”, which deals with “selective reduction. Here is a commentary from LifeNews. Richard M.

Abortion Central America International South America United Nations

Western nations pressuring Latin American nations to liberalize abortion laws

Here is a link to a story from the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute on Western nations who are misusing the UN Human Rights Process to pressure nations in Latin America to liberalize their abortion laws. This is a part of a worrisome trend of pro-abortions forces attempting to use a non-existent international right to […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities

New York Times magazine article on Down syndrome

Here is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about a very interesting article in the New York Times Sunday magazine (of July 31, 2011). The magazine article is very touching. It tells the story of Dr. Alberto Costa and his daughter Tyche who has Down syndrome. Dr. Costa is a doctor […]

Conscience protection Contraception University Faculty for Life

The Obama Administration and conscience protection

Here is a good piece by John Garvey (President of Catholic U) on the Obama Administration’s recent threat to conscience rights.  LifeNews has two stories on the same issue: Groups: Obama Admin Decision Violates Catholic Conscience Rights and

Colleges and Universities University Faculty for Life

Interview with Father Miscamble CSC

The Mirror of Justice blog highlights an interview with Father Miscamble here. In the interview, Father Miscamble discusses (among other things) various pro-life initiatives at Notre Dame. The actual interview can be found here. Richard M.

Abortion Legislation

AP story on wave of pro-life laws

Here is a link to an AP story on the wave of pro-life laws that have been passed this year by state legislatures.  Here’s the last paragraph in the article: “We talk about accumulating victories,” said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life. “Any time you want to make long-term change, on an […]

Court Cases Europe Euthanasia International

important withdrawal of treatment case in England

Here is a link to a story in the National Right to Life News about an important case in England. The British take on the case can be found here. The Bland case (1993) authorized English courts to allow the withdrawal of artifically provided food and water from patients in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). […]

Conscience protection

British medical students support conscience rights

Here is a link to an encouraging story from about a recent poll of British medical students that finds them in favor of conscience rights. Richard M.

Death and dying Euthanasia

“Death and Budgets”

That is the title of a column by David Brooks in yesterday’s New York Times. Brooks comments on an op-ed piece in last Sunday’s New York Times by Dudley Clendinen, who has ALS. Clendinen’s piece expressed the author’s inclination to commit suicide when his condition worsened. (Teresa already posted about Clendinen’s essay.  ) The column by […]

Bioethics Eugenics Human embryos

German bishops denounce Germany’s approval of PDG

Here is a Zenit story on the German Catholic bishops’ response to a new German law that gives the go-ahead to the use of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PDG). The bishops point out the eugenic implications of such usage. “The selection  of a ‘healthy’ embryo always entails the rejection of ‘unhealthy’ human embryos–and thus a violation […]