Assisted suicide Europe Euthanasia International

“Abandoning the disabled to assisted suicide in the UK”

That is the title of a recent blog post by Wesley Smith. Here is the lead paragraph of the post– “The UK is falling off a vertical moral cliff on the assisted suicide issue.  It remains a crime.  But the Public Prosecutor of England and Wales has stated that if, after a complete investigation, it […]

Abortion Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka post on another mystery by Ralph McInerny

Courtesy of Frank Zapatka, here is a commentary on Ralph McInerny’s The Prudence of the Flesh.  The Prudence of the Flesh (2006), the 25th of Ralph McInerny’s 26 “Father Dowling Myster[ies]” is another of several  of his mysteries in which the life issues are involved. In this one, the relevant passages are paraphrased and quoted in the […]

Assisted suicide Bioethics Euthanasia

Alzheimer’s and assisted suicide

Here is a link to an important story by Dave Andrusko who discusses a recent Time magazine op-ed by two researchers from the Hastings Center who argue that new tests that may make it possible to detect  Alzheimer’s before symptoms of dementia have developed should open up conversations about assisted suicide. Andrusko’s title (“Finding a Justification […]

Abortion Constitutionality Informed consent Legislation Politics Religious views Ultrasound Women's health

North Carolina’s Woman’s Right to Know Act

The North Carolina legislature recently passed the Woman’s Right to Know Act, which requires a 24 hour waiting period before an abortion during which the pregant mother would have an opportunity to consider information and view an ultrasound. Governor Perdue vetoed the Act. North Carolina’s Catholic bishops have issued a statement urging an override. […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Informed consent Ultrasound Women's health

Report on challenge to Texas law requiring sonogram before abortion

Here is a report on the pending lawsuit challenging the Texas law requiring that women be able to view a sonogram before obtaining an abortion. A ruling is expected by September. Richard M.


article on rediscovering consciousness in people diagnosed as “vegetative”

Here is a link to a story by Dave Andrusko from National Right to Life noting a recent article in Discover magazine by Kat McGowan entitled “Rediscovering Consciousness in People Diagnosed as ‘Vegetative.’”  As Andrusko states: “But what McGowan’s overview of massive amounts of research demonstrates is both that PVS is much more of […]

Assisted suicide Canada Euthanasia International

Rasouli decision from the Ontario Court of Appeals supports the role of the family in medical decisions

Here is report on the recent Rasouli decision from the Ontario Court of Appeals. The court found that doctors didn’t have the right to withdraw medical treatment despite the family’s objection. Here is commentary from the National Right to Life website. Richard M.

Feticide Legislation

Tennessee passes unborn victims of violence act

Here is a story discussing the passage of another state Unborn Victims of Violence Act.   These state laws and the federal law have the potential to undermine Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.  National Right to Life’s  website contains extensive information about the issue.  Richard M.

Colleges and Universities Conferences University Faculty for Life

US Catholic article on University Faculty for Life conference

Here is an article in U.S. Catholic about the recent University Faculty for Life (UFL) conference at Notre Dame. The article notes that pro-life faculty members are often isolated at their home institutions and mentions the importance of UFL in fostering fellowship among its members and in fostering pro-life scholarship. Richard M.

International United Nations

Jeanne Head’s comment on UN procedures

Here is a link to commentary by Jeanne Head of National Right to Life on the UN procedures that have been used in recent years. These procedures, which depart significantly from procedures used in the past, undermine national sovereignty and transparency. The new procedures are quite troublesome to the pro-life/pro-family coalition. Richard M.