Colleges and Universities

Life Matters at Notre Dame

Father Miscamble CSC gave an excellent talk a few weeks ago in which he discussed the status of the life issues at Notre Dame. Here is a link to the Project Sycamore website where Father Miscamble’s talk can be found. Richard M.

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Religious views

“To Live Each Day with Dignity”

This is a quick follow up to my post of June 6, 2011. On June 16, 2011, the US Bishops approved a statement on physician-assisted suicide. Here is the link. The statement provides a useful summary of the problems posed by the campaign to legalize assisted suicide. The Bishops advocate “the way of love […]

Court cases Legislation Ultrasound

Texas sonogram law challenged

Texas recently enacted a law that requires that women considering abortion to be able to view a sonogram. The law, which went into effect on May 20, 2011, has just been challenged in federal court. See There has been a recent trend for pro-abortion groups not to challenge pro-life legislation. This case will be an important test […]

Colleges and Universities Conferences University Faculty for Life

Successful UFL conference at Notre Dame

Here is a link to my post on the recent, successful conference at Notre Dame. Many thanks to Our Sunday Visitor Institute for its generous support of the conference and to everyone at Notre Dame (in particular Angela Pfister) for their organizational efforts and hospitality. By all accounts, this was one of UFL’s best conferences and […]

Abortion Politics

Greenhouse/Siegel article on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to my post on the Mirror of Justice blog on a recent article by Linda Greenhouse and Reva Siegel on Roe v. Wade. The Greenhouse/Siegel article critiques what the authors describe as a “court-centered backlash narrative.” Although there is much that I disagree with in the authors’ account, I think the […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Religious views

US Catholic Bishops to discuss a document on assisted suicide

Here is a LifeNews story on a new document opposing assisted suicide that the US Catholic bishops will conider at a meeting in mid-June.  This is a welcome development. After the major public battles on the issue in the mid-1990s, this issue has to some extent flown under the radar. Richard M.

infanticide Sex-selection abortion

campaign to target gendercide

Here is LifeNews story on the launch of a campaign to target gendercide–the practice of eliminating girls through sex-selection abortion and infanticide. The campaign highlights the growing gender imbalance in countries such as China and India. Richard M.

Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka post on a mystery by Ralph McInerny

As we get ready for our upcoming University Faculty for Life conference at Notre Dame, it seemed appropriate to post this comment by Frank Zapatka on one of Ralph McInerny’s Notre Dame mysteries. Here is Frank’s comment– Ralph McInerny’s Lack of the Irish (1998) Lack of the Irish (1998), the second of McInerny’s thirteen  mysteries […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia

Jack Kevorkian Dies in Hospital at 83

Here is the LifeNews story on the death of Jack Kevorkian. Kevorkian killed more than 100 people through assisted suicide. He was convicted for the killing of Thomas  Youk and spent years in prison before being released in 2007. He was a deeply troubled man who was sympathetically treated by the media for many years. Here is […]

Stem cell research

Update on embryo-destructive research

Here is a very useful update (by Christian Brugger) on recent legal developments relating to embryo-destructive research. Richard M.