Fetal anomolies and disabilities

Prenatal Testing Sham

Here is a LifeNews story (first published on the Public Discourse website) on the use of prenatal testing to abort disabled babies. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities Conferences University Faculty for Life

2011 Conference Schedule available

The conference schedule is now posted on the University Faculty for Life website. See The conference, which will be held on June 10-11, 2011 at the University of Notre Dame, is being supported by a very generous grant from Our Sunday Visitor Institute. Conference speakers include David Solomon, Sam Calhoun, John Breen, Tom Cavanaugh, Michael New, Teresa […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia

Wesley Smith comment on suicide obsession

Here is an interesting item from Wesley Smith entitled “Modern Suicide Obsession a Troubling Sign of Nihilistic Times.” Richard M.

Opinion polls

Encouraging Gallup Survey on Abortion

Here is a National Right to Life News story on an encouraging Gallup poll on attitudes on abortion. Here is Wesley Smith’s comment on the survey. Richard M.

Fetal anomolies and disabilities

Melissa Clouthier’s column on “aborting imperfection”

Here is a powwrful column by Melissa Clouthier on aborting children with disabilities. Richard M.

Stem cell research

Wesley Smith on the litigation over ESCR

Here is a link to discussion by Wesley Smith of the litigation concerning embryonic stem cell research. See Richard M.

Politics Ultrasound

“Five Signs the Pro-Life Cause is Winning”

That’s the title of a recent column on Patheos by Trevin Wax. See Here’s the conclusion: “The abortion debate will not go away. The fundamental issue at stake is not reproductive freedom but the desire to extend human rights to all — even the smallest and most vulnerable human beings among us. Those who continue […]

Conscience protection

Ms. Magazine on Conscience Rights

The Spring 2011 issue of Ms. Magazine has an article on conscience rights entitled “Treatment Denied.” According to the article, substandard care is becoming rampant in the US because of protections for conscience. I haven’t seen the full text of the article yet. Most such access claims are greatly inflated. For example, in the Storman’s […]

Conscience protection

Obama Administration Defends its Position on Conscience Rights

Here is a LifeNews report on the Obama Administration’s defense of its position on conscience rights. Richard M.

Legislation Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act

Here is the latest from National Right to Life on the ongoing debate about the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act. Richard M.