Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka on McInerny’s “The Search Committee”

Here is another post by Frank Zapatka (Emeritus, American U). Here Frank comments on passages in one of Ralph McInerny’s novels. The late Ralph McInerny (Philosophy, Notre Dame) in “The Writing Life”( First Things, 3.2006:) suggested that mystery novels “function as fictional Kleenex—one use and they’re gone” (p. 26). But, I would suggest that his […]

Europe International Legislation

European law doesn’t force Czech Republic to allow abortion

Here is a LifeNews report on this matter. The Alliance Defense Fund, in an opinion sent to the Czech government, explained that neither international law nor European law requires that the Czech Republic make abortions available to women from other countries. This ADF effort is in part the work of Roger Kiska, who has been doing […]

Conscience protection

Matt Bowman’s article on conscience

Here is a link to an article by Matt Bowman (of the Alliance Defense Fund) on the latest developments on conscience rights. Richard M.

Feticide Legislation

North Carolina passes unborn victims of violence law

North Carolina recently became the latest state to pass a law protecting unborn victims of violence. Here is the story from the National Right to Life News. See That story contains a link to NRLC’s complete coverage of the federal and state laws on this topic. Back in 2001, I had the privilege of testifying before Congress […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

Steve Aden commentary on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life laws

Steve Aden from the Alliance Defense Fund has this interesting perspective on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life legislation. See Aden concludes his article with this view: “By ignoring a tidal wave of legal authority that insists that unborn children are valuable and worthy of legal protection, CRR and Planned Parenthood […]

Stem cell research

court decision on embryonic stem cell research

Here is the LifeNews story on last week’s decision by a federal court of appeals allowing the funding of embryonic stem cell research. See Here is a story with commentary from pro-life advocates. See Richard M.

Constitutionality Politics

The Death of Roe v. Wade

That is the title of a recent Slate piece by Dahlia Lithwick. See The piece has to be read to be be believed. Lithwick complains that Roe is no longer a binding precedent, because opponents and supporters of abortion rights don’t treat the case as the law of the land. The result she says is […]

Fetal pain Legislation

abortion bans to prevent fetal pain may not be challenged

Here is a LifeNews story that discusses the prospect that abortion rights groups may not challenge laws in Nebraska and other states that ban abortion to prevent fetal pain. Richard M.

International United Nations

Bill Saunders comment on the UN and abortion rights

Here is a commentary by Bill Saunders on an action by the UN to honor the Center for Reproductive Rights. Saunders notes that the characterization of the Center as a supporter of human rights depends on the errroneous assumption that abortion is a human right.  Richard M.

Assisted suicide Canada International

Euthanasia case to be heard by Canadian court

Here is a link to the Life News story on the Rasouli case that will be heard by a Canadian court next month. The Rasouli case involves an important issue concerning whether doctors need consent before withdrawing life sustaining medical treatment. Richard M.