Assisted suicide Euthanasia Hospice

Dr. Diane Meier on assisted suicide

Courtesy of Wesley Smith’s blog, here is a link to some insightful commentary by Dr. Diane Meier on assisted suicide. Meier was a proponent of assisted suicide, but has changed her view on the issue.  Her emphasis is on palliative care. Richard M.

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Religious views Uncategorized

Bill Saunders on two pro-life heroes

Here is a link to a piece by Bill Saunders (of Americans United for Life) on two pro-life heroes–Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo. Richard M.

Assisted suicide Euthanasia

Nan Maitland’s assisted suicide

Here is a link (from the National Right to Life News and the blog of Peter Saunders) to a troubling instance of assisted suicide. Richard M.

Assisted suicide Europe Euthanasia International

“Elderly Belgian couple euthanized together”

That’s the report on Wesley Smith’s blog. See Smith asks: “Why is anyone surprised?  Once we accept killing is an acceptable answer to human suffering, there are no brakes.  Belgium is merely jumping the most enthusiastically off the vertical moral cliff.” Richard M.

Legislation Sex-selection abortion

Arizona bans race- and sex-based abortions

The Arizona legislature has passed a law banning abortions for reasons of race and sex. Here is an earlier post on this issue. Richard M.

Colleges and Universities University Faculty for Life

Life & Learning XVIII is now available

Life & Learning XVIII is now available on the University Faculty for Life website, and will be available in a print version soon. See These papers are from the 2008 University Faculty for Life conference at Marquette. Thanks to Father Koterski for his work in editing this volume. This volume includes papers by (in order of […]

Colleges and Universities Conscience protection University Faculty for Life

Ave Maria Law Review publishes symposium on conscience

The Ave Maria Law Review (Vol. 9; Issue 1)(2010) has just published a symposium on “The Future of Rights of Conscience in Health Care.” The symposium grew out of a conference that Lynn Wardle (BYU) and I organized. The conference was generously supported by University Faculty for Life and was also sponsored by the J. Reuben […]

Legislation Parental involvement

study demonstrates that parental notice laws reduce abortion rates

Michael New recently published a study that demonstrates that parental notice laws reduce abortion rates by 15%. Richard M.

Conferences Death and dying

symposium on end-of-life issues

The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network is sponsoring a symposium on end-of-life issues on March 31, 2011. The symposium, which will be held at Ave Maria School of Law, is entitled “The Erosion of Medical Ethics.” Here is a link to the Lifenews story on the symposium. Richard M.

Legislation Politics

recent AP story on new abortion legislation

Here is a report (“Wave of anti-abortion bills advance in the states”) from the Associated Press on new legislation restricting abortion. Richard M.