
health care right to conscience update

Wesley Smith has a good post on the continuing controversy over pharmacists and conscientious objection in the state of Washington. See Washington’s law requiring pharmacists to dispense prescriptions, including Plan B contraceptives (the so-called morning after pill), was challenged in federal court. The Ninth Circuit (in Storman’s Inc v. Selecky) upheld the constitutionality of the law and rejected […]


the fate of Nebraska’s new abortion laws

Apparently, Nebraska’s Attorney General has decided not to appeal an injunction issued against enforcement of a Nebraska law requiring health screenings for women seeking abortions. The AG believes that there is little prospect of successfully defending the law. Nebraska’s other new law banning abortions after 20 weeks based on the view that such a ban […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality Court cases Ultrasound Uncategorized

Louisiana ultrasound law challenged

Louisiana recently passed The Ultrasound Before Abortion Act, which requires ultrasounds before abortions are performed but doesn’t require that the woman view the ultrasound images. The Bioethics Defense Fund helped draft the law. For more information about the law, see  On August 6, 2010, the law was challenged in federal court. For reaction to the lawsuit, see UPDATE: The […]

Abortion Health Care Reform Taxpayer funding Women's health

more on abortion and health care

The Public Discourse website has posted additional analysis of the abortion/health care controversy. See  this analysis by Helen Alvare   and this analysis by the editors of Public Discourse. Richard M.


“The Abiding Significance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”

Christopher Tollefsen’s essay with that title was posted on The Public Discourse blog earlier today. Only a small portion of the essay deals with abortion but the essay is well worth reading for its timely reflections on the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Richard M.

Abortion Feminism International Mental health Religious views Women's health

new Vatican document on abortion’s harm to women

The Pontifical Academy for Life is preparing a new document on the the impact of abortion on women. There has been greater awareness of this issue in recent years.   The Supreme Court addressed this issue in Gonzales v. Carhart, and this caused a huge uproar. (I discussed this briefly in my paper at the 2007 […]

Abortion Feminism Politics University Faculty for Life

Jane Gilroy’s book on Ellen McCormack

Here is the Amazon link to Jane Gilroy’s new book entitled “A Shared Vision: The 1976 Ellen McCormack Presidential Campaign.” Jane presented some of this story at the 2005 UFL conference. Here is a link to her paper from the 2005 conference. Jane, who was the vice-chair of McCormack’s campaign committee, is uniquely […]

Abortion Constitutionality Philosophy Politics

Clarke Forsythe’s Book on Prudence

Clarke Forsythe’s book “Politics for the Greatest Good: The Case for Prudence in the Public Square” is worth reading. Here is the Amazon link. Clarke makes the case for pursuing incremental change, an approach that he has helped to implement in his role at Americans United for Life.  A recent review of Clarke’s book by Michael New is […]

Abortion Euthanasia Health Care Reform Legislation Legislation Taxpayer funding

PPACA and abortion

The controversy about health care reform and abortion continues. See Richard Doerflinger’s analysis, “Abortion returns to the health care reform debate.”  His analysis deals with the recent discovery that certain statewide insurance plans (funding by federal money) covered elective abortions. After an outcry, the Obama Administration eventually made clear that abortion would not be […]

Assisted suicide Constitutionality Court Cases Euthanasia

Bob Destro on the Terri Schiavo case

I highly recommend Bob Destro’s article on the Terri Schiavo case. “Learning Neuroscience the Hard Way: The Terri Schiavo Case and the Ethics of Effective Representatation,” at 78 Miss. L. J. 833-903 (2009). There have been scores of articles on various aspects of the Schiavo controversy. (My own short paper on the Schiavo case is […]