Adoption Feminism

How to Limit Adoption Expenses

Many of us have heard that adoption costs “thousands of dollars,” causing us to think that many (if not most) families simply can not afford to welcome an unwanted child into their home. Feminists for Life have a short article, Affordable Adoption, explaining ways to reduce adoption costs to less than $5,000 in many cases.

Abortion Asia Sex-selection abortion Women's health

Sex-selective abortions American style

The San Francisco Chronicle has an op-ed about sex-selective abortion arguing that such abortions are a violation of human rights. (The author does not attempt explain what distinguishes sex-selective abortion from all abortions in terms of human rights.) The column relies in part on an April 2011 article appearing in the journal, Social Science and […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal anomolies and disabilities Fetal pain Legislation

Series of articles on the “viability rule”

Just discovered a series of articles exploring the Supreme Court’s position allowing post-viability abortion bans by Randy Beck. You can find Randy Beck’s articles at The Essential Holding of Casey: Rethinking Viability, Where’s the Syllogism?: Gonzales, Casey and the Viability Rule, and Self-Conscious Dicta: The Origins of Roe v. Wade’s Trimester Framework. These articles are […]

Europe International Presidential Actions Research sites and suggestions

Peer review and life issues

Many pieces of legislation related to life are attacked as based on “junk science” or politicized science. One response to these attacks has been a Presidental Memorandum by President Obama on scientific integrity. One “proof” often offered in defense of a piece of research is that it has been published in a “peer reviewed journal.” […]

Abortion Bioethics Clinic regulation Philosophy Women's health

Requirements of Informed Consent Limit Autonomy?

Arthur Kaplan argues that opposing telemedicine abortion is irresponsible here. He argues that abortion providers have a right to determine the information that a patient needs with no “interference” by state legislatures. Curiously he justifies this return to a paternalistic notion of medical cares by a demand for patient autonomy. It appears he has little […]

Abortion Constitutionality Medical abortion

Constitutionality of banning off-label use of drugs

When the FDA approved the sale of RU-486 in this country, the agency used a little known process historically reserved for life-saving drugs. Lars Noah described the process in his article, A Miscarriage in the Drug Approval Process?: Mifepristone Embroils the FDA in Abortion Politics. Since the approval of the drug, abortion providers have continued […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Fetal pain Late-term abortion Women's health

Cesarean Delivery at the Edge of Viability

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed this year in four states (Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, & Oklahoma). It prohibits performance of abortions from 20 weeks post-fertilization (22 gestational weeks) unless necessary to protect the life or physical health of the mother. The tfollowing report notes that children born at this early age via ceasarean have […]

Abortion Bioethics Philosophy

Libertarian Debate over “Evictionism”

Yesterday I posted a brief comment, Allowing the Unborn to Live While Respecting Women’s Free Will,” on a law review article arguing that the means of abortion should be limited to those which provide the greatest opportunity for the unborn child to flourish while respecting the woman’s right to control her own body. It appears […]

Abortion Philosophy

Author Responds to “Allowing the Unborn to Live While Respecting Women’s Free Will”

Dr. Block asked that I post his response to my comments on his law review article in “Allowing the Unborn to Live While Respecting Women’s Free Will.” Here is Dr. Block’s response in its entirety: I appreciate that you characterize us as “two prolife professors,” because that is EXACTLY how I, at least, see our […]

Central America Conferences Contraception South America

Latin American Conference on Reproductive Rights

The Second Latin American Conference on Reproductive Rights, which will take place on November 28th, 29th and 30th in Costa Rica, is a forum created for the Latin American legal community to gather for dialogue, debate and deliberate around issues and dilemmas that work to protect reproductive rights more effectively in the region. This second […]