Abortion Bioethics Call for Papers Colleges and Universities Conferences Euthanasia Health exception International International Women's health

Call for Abstracts on Health and Human Rights

The 2011 Queen’s University Health and Human Rights Conference has issued a call for abstracts of reseach to be presented during its poster session on September 30 – October 1st, 2011 at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The conference is a student-led initiative with a mandate to build bridges between the humanities, sciences and social […]

Call for Papers Colleges and Universities Feminism

Call for Papers for Australian Feminist Law Journal

Call for Papers, Australian Feminist Law Journal, General Issue. Submit by Sept 1, 2011. The call provides this description of the journal and paper requirements: The Journal seeks to focus upon scholarly research using critical feminist approaches to law and justice, broadly conceived. As a critical legal journal we publish research informed by critical theory, […]

Abortion Europe

Abortion and Crime Reduction in Europe

An interesting new article on the impact of abortion on crime rates has been posted on SSRN. The authors of Crime in Europe and the United States: Dissecting the ‘Reversal of Misfortunes’ describe their paper thus: Contrary to common perceptions, today both property and violent crimes (with the exception of homicides) are more widespread in […]

Abortion Constitutionality Late-term abortion Philosophy Women's health

Allowing the Unborn to Live While Respecting Women’s Free Will

Compromising the Uncompromisable: A Private Property Rights Approach to Resolving the Abortion Controversy is a new posting on SSRN. This article, published in 2005 by two prolife professors, argues that medical technology allowing gestation outside the mother’s womb may eventually erode the right to abortion, if that right is understood to mean the right to […]

Assisted suicide Australia Chronic pain Court Cases Death and dying Euthanasia Suicide

Prosecutors’ Role in Assisted Suicide

SSRN has posted a new article, Justins v. the Queen: Assisted Suicide, Juries and the Discretion to Prosecute examining an Australian case and arguing that prosecutors should very rarely charge defendants in cases of assisted suicide. The author notes that the British Crown Prosecution Service has developed guidelines for prosecutors regarding such charges. The guidelines […]

Death and dying Euthanasia Hospice

Concerns about Hospice Continue

Preparing Americans for Death Lets Hospices Neglect End of Life reports that ‘[m]ore than four in 10 Americans now meet their end in hospice care, drawn by its promise of palliation and pain alleviation instead of extreme measures in their waning days. Medicare’s hospice rolls doubled to 1.1 million patients from 2000 to 2009, the […]

Abortion Conscience protection Health Care Reform Taxpayer funding

Healthcare Reform and Prolife Principles

Ryan Anderson provides a brief review of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) from the prolife perspective in Protected in Law, Cared for in Life. His key concerns deal with the Act’s apparent inclusion of abortion as healthcare for funding purposes and the failure to include protection of conscience provisions for healthcare […]

Abortion Court cases

Abortion and Men’s Responsibility/Rights

Fox News is carrying an interesting editorial by a pyschiatrist, “Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions.” He argues that current law giving men no say in a woman’s decision whether to continue or terminate her pregnancy teaches men that they are not responsible for the lives they create. The editorial argues the this is […]

Death and dying infanticide

Increasing Withdrawal of Care from Newborns

The July issue of the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine contains an article entitled, How Infants Die in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The authors’ abstract describe the results of a ten year study this way: For 10 years, 414 neonatal patients died. Of these, 61.6% had care withdrawn, 20.8% had care withheld, and […]

Abortion Contraception Politics Taxpayer funding

Costs of Unplanned Pregnancies

The Brookings Institute has published a new study, The High Cost of Unintended Pregnancy. The abstract describes the conclusion of the study: The high incidence of unintended pregnancy imposes costs on American society that range from increased rates of crime and welfare participation to reduced levels of high-school completion and labor-force participation. We focus on […]