Abortion Clinic regulation

Understanding Virginia’s New Abortion Clinic Regulations

The Virginia Department of Health has invited public comment on proposed regulations of abortion clinics in that state. UFL member, Michael New, has posted a brief comment on the proposed clinic regulations on NRO. This is an opportunity for our members to assist in the formation of sound public policy. You can find the proposed […]

Death and dying Health Care Reform Philosophy

Healthcare Reform and Utilitarian Ethics

Yuval Levin discusses the two approaches to healthcare reform today in Help the Sick and Reduce the Debt: The Moral Economy of the Health-Care Debate on Public Discourse blog. He describes the Democratic proposal as one focused on expanding availability of health insurance through government programs, which they argue will reduce costs through bringing greater […]

Abortion Death and dying Feminism Philosophy

Abortion and Family Solidarity

UFL member, Richard Stith, has posted a new article, Anti-choice: When Having a Choice Diminishes Family Solidarity, on SSRN. Richard argues that the availability of abortion causes many family members to reject or reduce support for women who continue their pregnancies in difficult circumstances because “it is their choice.” He notes a similar effect when […]

Abortion Conscience protection Contraception Health Care Reform

Conscience Protection and the American Experiment

Professor Helen Alvare has posted a blog entry, Uphold Conscience Protection: Religious Freedom’s Contribution to the American Experience and Threats to It, over at Public Discourse on the importance of conscience protections in a variety of settings. Many readers of this blog will recognize the professor from her former work as spokeswoman for Prolife Secretariat […]

Advance directives Assisted suicide Death and dying Euthanasia

Physicians’ Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatments

For those interested in end-of-life issues and euthanasia, Christian Brugger has an important new post on the Culture of Life blog regarding Physicians’ Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatments. His post is entitled “Legalizing Euthanasia by Omission – And Making It a Doctor’s Order .” Dr. Brugger identifies the primary issue surrounding such documents as: “POLST-type legislation […]

Abortion Constitutionality Feminism

Work, Women and Babies

There have been several news stories this week about a decision by a New York federal district court judge in EEOC v. Bloomberg. The case involved claims by the EEOC on behalf of 78 women that Bloomberg LP (the international news organization) engaged in illegal sex and pregnancy discrimination. In ruling in favor of the […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Politics Presidential Actions

Returning the question of abortion to the people

Ed Whelan has posted a short article, Defend our Laws: Justice Matters as part of the ten-part series on Liberty, Justice and the Common Good at Public Discourse. He presents a strong prolife agenda for the next president. Whelan writes: “They should educate the public that Roe imposes a radical regime of unrestricted abortion, for […]

Adoption Assisted Reproduction Bioethics Human embryos

Embryo Adoption and Persona Humana

University Faculty for Life member, Gerard Nadal, has a series of essays posted on Lifesite News arguing that the declaration on certain questions on sexual ethics by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Persona Humana, does not foreclose embryo adoption by faithful Catholic couples. Dr. Nadal points to a statement by Archbishop […]

Abortion Medical schools

Fewer doctors willing to do abortions

The current issue of the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology contains an article reporting on a survey of 1800 obstetricans and gynecologists, Abortion Provision Among Practicing Obstetrician-Gynecologists. The authors summarize the survey results as follows: Among practicing ob-gyns, 97% encountered patients seeking abortions, whereas 14% performed them. Female physicians were more likely to provide abortions […]

Abortion Court cases Free Speech Politics Sidewalk Counseling

United States of America v. Richard Retta

Yesterday’s Lifesite News carried an opinion piece by Brad Mattes criticizing the increase in federal prosecutions for violations of the Free Access to Clinic Entrance Act (FACE) by the current Department of Justice. He used the case of Richard Retta as an example of the harassing nature of the new complaints by DOJ. You can […]