Abortion Conscience protection Human embryos Legislation Politics Presidential Actions Stem cell research Taxpayer funding

Why abortion is still the most important political issue

UFL member, O. Carter Snead (Notre Dame), has a terrific new article on the Public Discourse blog, Protect the Weak and Vulnerable: The Primacy of the Life Issue. In the article, he first establishes that the debates over abortion and embryo destructive research are really about membership in the human family and the reach of […]

Abortion Bioethics Conscience protection Death and dying Euthanasia Health Care Reform Politics

Important series on major issues for 2012 election

Today Public Discourse introduced a ten-part series examining the ten key issues that should shape voters’ decisions in the 2012 election. Ryan T. Anderson explains the structure of the series in “Liberty, Justice, and the Common Good:Political Principles for 2012 and Beyond.” I suspect almost all of the essays will interest UFL members. Here is […]

University Faculty for Life

Essay Contest open to Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Just confirmed that University Faculty for Life Essay Contest is open to both undergraduate and graduate college students. For more information including the rules for the Contest see my previous post here.

Abortion Feminism Philosophy Women's health

Responding to Radical Autonomy Claims

Erika Bachiochi has a wonderful new post on the Public Discourse Blog entitled 40 Years Later: How to Undo the Autonomy Argument for Abortion Rights. In the post, she responds to the autonomy argument made famous by Judith Jarvis Thomason in A Defense of Abortion. She argues, like UFL member Frank Beckwith who she quotes, […]

Abortion Call for Papers Colleges and Universities University Faculty for Life

2012 UFL Scholarly Achievement Award & Essay Contest

University Faculty for Life is now accepting submissions from college or university students for its Scholarly Achievement Award. Students may submit work in three categories: Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research. Work submitted in any category must demonstrate the application of a life-affirming perspective on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, or related issues. Winners in each category […]

University Faculty for Life

We are on Facebook and Twitter now!

In an effort to get our message out more broadly University Faculty for Life now has a Facebook page (please “like” us) and we are on twitter (“Faculty4Life”). Blog postings will be linked to these two other methods of communicating our message of scholarly support for prolife efforts to protect all human beings from the […]

Abortion Bioethics Philosophy

Waldron’s new article on moral absolutes

Jeremy Waldron has a new piece, What Are Moral Absolutes Life?, posted on SSRN. Exploration of this question is particularly important if we are to successfully persuade people that “do not kill the innocent” should be the law of the land, and that the unborn are among the innocent who must not be killed.

Abortion Conscience protection Constitutionality Court cases

ACLU attacks KS law protecting consumers from forced insurance coverage of abortion

The ACLU of Kansas and Western Missouri has sued Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger to stop implementation of a new law (KS House Bill 2075) that prohibits insurance coverage for elective abortions, unless coverage is limited to abortions procedures “necessary to save the life of the mother.” Individuals who wish to have abortion included in […]

Canada Feminism Feticide infanticide

Infanticide or Murder? Canada’s shifting answer

What is the proper legal response to a mother killing her infant child? In Desperate Measures: Rationalizing the Crime of Infanticide, Canadian law professor Isabel Grant examines the crime of infanticide and issues of statutory interpretation that are currently before the Canadian courts. “The article examines the recent trend towards charging women who kill their […]

Abortion Feminism Opinion polls Politics

Are women legislators more liberal on abortion?

The Culture Wars Meet State Politics: Gender, Representation and Abortion Policy provides an interesting analysis of the fact that the number of women in a state legislature increases the likelihood that a state will have more liberal abortion policies. The authors find a difference in the manner in which women candidates are recruited in the […]