Abortion Constitutionality Feminism Politics

Sex Equality and State Interests in Abortion Regulation

Priscilla Smith, former Director of the Domestic Legal Program of the Center for Reproductive Rights from 2003-2007 and a litigating attorney with the Center for 13 years overall, has a new article on attacking abortion regulation through claims of sex discrimination. The article, Give Justice Ginsburg What She Wants: Using Sex Equality Arguments to Demand […]

Abortion Assisted suicide Eugenics Euthanasia Philosophy Philosophy Politics Stem cell research

Communication and Moral Complexity

SSRN lists a new article, Moral Conflict and Complexity: The Dynamics of Constructive Versus Destructive Discussions Over Polarizing Issues. The authors’ abstract, which you can access here, describes the contents as: Moral conflicts, whether over abortion, the death penalty, or the ‘right’ approach to addressing terrorism, pose serious challenges to societies worldwide. They can quickly […]

Abortion Canada Conscience protection Constitutionality Court cases Death and dying Europe Euthanasia Feticide infanticide International International Legislation Politics Population Control Research sites and suggestions United Nations

Great News Source on Life Issues Abroad

Marie Smith, wife of Congressman Chris Smith, runs a remarkable organization, the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues (PNCI). PNCI coordinates efforts among members of democratically-elected legislatures – collectively known as parliamentarians – to advance respect for the inherent value, worth, and inviolable dignity of every human being from fertilization until natural death. The PNCI website […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Legislation Medical abortion Planned Parenthood Politics Taxpayer funding Women's health

Americans United for Life Report on Planned Parenthood

Today on Public Discourse, Bill Saunders–Senior Vice President and Senior Council for Americans United for Life–reports on AUL’s in-depth investigation into Planned Parenthood. The report discusses overbilling by Planned Parenthood, failure to abide by state parental involvement laws, involvement in opposing common sense regulation of abortion, and disregard of FDA regulations on the use of […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conferences Contraception Feminism International Politics Sex-selection abortion Sexual practices

Call for Papers – Rethinking Feminism & the Law

Women’s Studies Center (Sponsored by UGC), ILS Law College, Pune in partnership with the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales and the Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney is pleased to announce the inaugural International Conference on Feminism and the Law: Revisiting the Past, Rethinking the Present & Thinking the Way Forward […]

Abortion Politics

Greenhouse/Siegel article on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to my post on the Mirror of Justice blog on a recent article by Linda Greenhouse and Reva Siegel on Roe v. Wade. The Greenhouse/Siegel article critiques what the authors describe as a “court-centered backlash narrative.” Although there is much that I disagree with in the authors’ account, I think the […]

Politics Ultrasound

“Five Signs the Pro-Life Cause is Winning”

That’s the title of a recent column on Patheos by Trevin Wax. See Here’s the conclusion: “The abortion debate will not go away. The fundamental issue at stake is not reproductive freedom but the desire to extend human rights to all — even the smallest and most vulnerable human beings among us. Those who continue […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

Steve Aden commentary on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life laws

Steve Aden from the Alliance Defense Fund has this interesting perspective on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life legislation. See Aden concludes his article with this view: “By ignoring a tidal wave of legal authority that insists that unborn children are valuable and worthy of legal protection, CRR and Planned Parenthood […]

Constitutionality Politics

The Death of Roe v. Wade

That is the title of a recent Slate piece by Dahlia Lithwick. See The piece has to be read to be be believed. Lithwick complains that Roe is no longer a binding precedent, because opponents and supporters of abortion rights don’t treat the case as the law of the land. The result she says is […]

Politics Uncategorized

Ellen McCormack, pro-life Democratic presidential candidate, dead at 84

Ellen McCormack, pro-life candidate in the Democratic primaries for president in the 1970s, has died.  Interested persons may wish to balance the obituary of the New York Times ( with that of Dr. Michael New (  Thanks to Dr. Jane Gilroy, author of the definitive biography about Ellen McCormack’s presidential bids, for this information.