Abortion Court cases

Alabama Supreme Court ruling protects the unborn

I wanted to call attention to a decision by the Alabama Supreme Court in Ex parte Hicks. Here is link to the LifeNews story on the case. The case involved an interpretation of Alabama’s chemical endangerment statute, which prohibits exposing a “child” to a controlled substance. In the Hicks case, the Court interpreted “child” to include […]

Colleges and Universities Planned Parenthood

Loyola Marymount hires dean with past ties to Planned Parenthood

According to the National Catholic Register, Loyola Marymount, a Jesuit university in Los Angeles, recently appointed Robbin Crabtree as dean of the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts. Crabtree has been a consultant to Planned Parenthood in Indiana. An alumni group, Renew LMU has cited the choice as evidence that LMU may be in danger of […]

Abortion Free Speech

When is a free speech zone not a free speech zone?

When someone speaks out against abortion. See this National Catholic Register article about two pro-life activists, Thrin and Joan Short, who were harassed by a faculty member at University of California–Santa Barbara.

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

South Dakota’s ban on sex-selection abortion

Here is a good article by Dave Andrusko on South Dakota’ s ban on sex-selection abortions. The article discusses the signifiance of the ban and also effectively rebuts some of the arguments that have been made against these laws. Richard M.

Abortion Religious views United Nations

The Church, the UN, and American Foreign Policy talk at St. Thomas

The Prolife Center at the University of St. Thomas is sponsoring a talk by Susan Yoshihara, director of research at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, entitled “The Church, the UN, and American Foreign Policy.” Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. University of St. Thomas McNeely Hall, Room 100 2078 Grand Avenue […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Religious views

Interview about Dr. Jerome Lejeune

Here is an interview by Peter Jesserer Smith in The National Catholic Register with Aude Dugast, who is working for the canonization (declaration of sainthood) in the Catholic Church of Dr. Jerome Lejeune, who discovered the genetic cause of Down’s Syndrom and who was an advisor for University Faculty for Life until his death in 1994. […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality Court cases

5th Circuit upholds Texas pro-life law

Here is a story from LifeNews about the March 27, 2014 ruling from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upholding Texas HB2, which regulates surgical abortions and abortion-inducing drugs. Courtesy of the Bioethics Defense Fund website, here is a link to the excellent opinion by Judge Edith Jones. Richard M.

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

UK Prime Minister criticizes sex-selection abortion

Here is an interesting story reporting UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s criticism of sex-selection abortion. One of the interesting things about this issue is the trouble people who support abortion rights have in explaining why sex-selection sbortion is an “appalling practice.” The story reports a comment that “This is not a debate about the rights […]

Abortion The Arts

Stith Sculpture video

Rosemarie Smith, wife of UFL board member Richard Stith and frequent UFL Conference attendee, recently produced a 2 1/2 minute video about her sculpture display called “Tragedy and Triumph” Here is the artist’s statement: “Tragedy is simple in its depiction of the relationship between mother and unborn child, each ceramic figure clean like a child’s wooden […]

Abortion Medical abortion

Do tele-med abortions increase or decrease the rate of complications?

Reproductive Research Audit has published a critical analysis of a study published in the American Journal of Public Health that claims that tele-med (webcam) administration of chemical abortions reduces the likelihood of complications. RRA’s analysis finds flaws in the original study and attempts to show in their own report that the data actually shows the opposite.