Abortion Conferences University Faculty for Life

In “Abortion and Social Justice: How Pro-Life Advocates are Meeting the Needs of Women Facing Crisis Pregnancies,” the Christian Post covers the recent presentation by Fr. Joe Koterski, UFL board member, to the recent National Convention of Students for Life. Joseph Koterski, associate professor of philosophy at Fordham University, urged the pro-life audience to “go […]


Dr. Ben Carson’s statement on the sanctity of life

In anticipation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Dr. Ben S. Carson, professor-emeritus of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University, wrote this commentary for the Washington Times. Attempting to characterize love and compassion for human life as a “war on women” is deceitful and pathetic.  

Abortion Opinion polls

How the face of pro-life advocates is changing

The Public Religion Research Institute published some statistics (“What Will the Next Generation of Anti-Abortion Advocates Look Like? Different.”) about the ever-growing pro-life attitude of young Americans, even those who are not Christians. Of young Americans who oppose abortion, fewer are white Christians* (37 percent) than the nearly 8-in-10 (78 percent) who make up the […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases History Uncategorized

Why Roe Said what it did

Here is a link to “41 Years Later: Why Roe Said What It Did,” Justin Buckley Dyer’s summary of Clarke Forsythe’s book, Abuse of Discretion on the Library of Law and Liberty web page. Forsythe, a man who has spent his life for pro-life causes, makes a strong case for returning the issue back to American […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases Uncategorized

Beckwith on Roe v. Wade

For those that haven’t read it, here is a link to Frank Beckwith’s 2006 article, “The Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, and Abortion Law,” from Liberty University Law Review. In it he argues that Roe v. Wade was in no way a “moderate” judicial opinion, although it is widely presented as such.

Abortion Legislation

State abortion laws shifting in a pro-life direction

According to a National Catholic Register article, a survey by Americans United for Life, an organization “which works to develop and promote model pro-life legislation for states,” state abortion laws are becoming more pro-life and are protecting women more from the ravishes of abortion. The survey esp. highlights Louisiana, Oklahoma (my state of origin!), Arkansas, […]

Abortion Medical abortion Uncategorized

chemical abortion reversal

Here is a site that promotes an abortion reversal process. Do any of our readers in the medical fiedl know anything about this? Email me at [email protected].

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Sidewalk Counseling

McCullen v. Coakley editorial

Oral arguments were heard Wednesday in the McCullen v. Coackley case before the Supreme Court. The dispute is about a Massachusetts law which prohibits non-clinic employees from side-walk counselling within 35 feet of the entrance of a clinic. Amy Howe, of Bloomberg’s Supreme Court blog, seems to think the law will not be upheld, based […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

sex-selection abortion

Here is a good essay by Daniel Kuebler explaining why the US ought to ban sex-selection abortion. Richard M.

Abortion Advance directives Bioethics Death and dying

Two brain-death cases

There have been two medical cases recently which involved the diagnosed brain-death of a patient. The first case is that of Jahi McMath, the 13-year old California girl who was declared brain dead by the doctors and then was handed over to her family for care. As this article in the National Catholic Register details, […]