Abortion Adoption Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood abortion to adoption ratio

According to a article, Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report shows that they performed 148 abortions for every adoption referral it did. also asked Planned Parenthood how many of the 2,197 “adoption referrals to other agencies” Planned Parenthood made in fiscal 2012 actually resulted in adoptions, and if the organization planned to increase that number. […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

US Supreme Court refuses to hear Arizona abortion case

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story discussing the Court’s refusal to hear a case involving the constitutionality of Arizona’s statute that prohibited abortion after 18 weeks. The Ninth Circuit had invalidated the law and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Richard M.

Abortion Colleges and Universities Contraception Court cases Presidential Actions

Two Universities struggle with abortion-related issues

Two Catholic universities are in the news with abortion-related stories. Santa Clara University is going through a struggle between the President and faculty members over the availability of abortion through the University’s health plan. President Michael Engh, S.J., recently initiated an action that would bar the availability of elective abortion through the health plan. In […]

Abortion Research sites and suggestions

Indian study shows abortion/breast cancer link

A recent study in the Indian Journal of Cancer indicates that abortion correlates with a a 6.2 fold higher risk of breast cancer, according to this National Catholic Register article. The Register article also notes this meta-analysis in the Cancer Causes Control journal which shows the link between induced abortion and breast cancer among Chinese women. The […]

Abortion Europe

EU rejects making abortion a human right.

Good news from the EU. According to the National Catholic Register, the EU Parliament has rejected a report that proposed that EU define abortion as a human right.  The parliament accepted alternative reports that reaffirmed that decisions about abortion and sex education belong to the individual member nations

Abortion Contraception Court cases Health Care Reform Human embryos

Does emergency contraception cause abortion?

Recently journalist Linda Greenhouse’s criticized for-profit companies seeking to be exempt from the HHS contraceptive mandate in a guest opinion column in the New York Times called “Doesn’t East, Doesn’t Pray and Doesn’t Love.” In response, Donna Harrison, MD, Executive Director of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, writes “Emergency Contraception Can Cause […]

Abortion Women's health

New book on abortion’s negative impact on women

Here is a story from National Right to Life News about a new book on abortion’s negative impact on women. The book, “Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women,” see, is by Angela Lanfranchi, Ian Gentels, and Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy. Here is a comment (from the NRL story) from Priscilla Coleman about the book: “This book comes […]

Abortion Philosophy

Cardinal Ratzinger speech on threats to human life

I just had the occasion to re-read a terrific speech that then-Cardinal Ratzinger gave back in 1991 entitled “The Problem of Threats to Human Life.” The speech anticipated Pope John Paul II’s great encyclical Evangelium Vitae. Soon after re-reading the speech, I realized that Father John Conley, SJ, gave  a talk at the 2005 University Faculty for […]

Abortion Women's health

new study on abortion/breast cancer link

Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story on an important new study on the link between abortion and breast cancer. Richard Myers

Abortion Religious views

Pope Francis and abortion

It was trendy for a while to picture Pope Francis as “soft” on social issues that other popes were “hardliners” about, such as abortion. In his new Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis makes his most authoritative statement on abortion. Let’s let him speak for himself: 213. Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to […]