Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Fetal pain Late-term abortion Politics

That Albuquerque vote

As far as I know, this is the only time in the modern world that there has been a popular vote precisely to let kids of this age (20+ weeks) be killed on request. (America made a judicial decision to this effect. China & North Korea are the only two bodies to have made a […]

Colleges and Universities Planned Parenthood

Students for Life America Planned Parenthood Project

Here is an article from the National Catholic Register about Students for Life America’s Planned Parenthood Project, a campaign where they disseminated information about PP on their campus to raise awareness of the real intentions, tactics, and affect of PP. You may have seen them on your campus. The reactions, both positive and negative, are […]

Abortion Conferences Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion University Faculty for Life

Roe at 40 conference

On November 7-8, 2013, Washington & Lee University School of Law hosted a conference marking the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The conference, Roe at 40: The Controversy Continues,,  was largely organized by Sam Calhoun (a member of the UFL Board). The conference was co-sponsored by University Faculty for Life, ACLU of Virginia, Virginia NOW, the […]

Constitutionality Contraception Population Control Talks

Collett on the history of contraception laws

Here is a video of Teresa Collett’s talk at Franciscan University Steubenville about the history of contraception laws. She spends significant time on the “right to privacy” discovered in the Griswold  v. Connecticut case that was used in Roe v. Wade. She also spends significant time discussing the HHS mandate, referring to the possible abortifacient effect […]

Abortion Mental health Women's health

New Book on Abortion’s impact on women

The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research has recently released a book called Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women. “Drawing on over 650 published studies from international medical and psychological journals, Complications knocks down the generally accepted idea that abortion is perfectly safe.” More information can be found here.

Abortion Court cases

Forsythe speaks on Roe v. Wade

For those of you in the Twin Cities area, consider going to hear Clarke Forsythe speak on Roe v. Wade on Tuesday, November 5th. Join the Prolife Center at UST this Tuesday night at 7 p.m. to hear constitutional litigator and author, Clarke Forsythe, discuss what events and people led the U.S. Supreme Court to […]


Why do women have abortions?

In a recent opinion piece on LifeSiteNews, Randall K. O’Bannon analyzes a recent study by researches at the University of California San Francisco on the reasons women seek abortions. The opinion piece, “Women have abortions because they feel trapped and hopeless, study finds,” looks at the findings of the article, “Understanding why women seek abortions […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

“India’s Missing Girls”

Here is a piece by Rep. Chris Smith on House hearings that dealt with the issue of sex-selection abortion and infanticide in India. Richard M.

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

Controversy in England about sex-selection abortions

Here are links to a couple of items about the controversy . Here’s the introduction to a piece by Dave Andrusko. “The decision by the (British) Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute two abortionists who allegedly offered to perform abortions on women who did not want a baby girl has stirred up a hornet’s nest of […]

Abortion Contraception Legislation

Oklahoma judge blocks morning-after pill restrictions

In one of two state-related pro-life legal setbacks, District Judge Lisa Davis prevented a law from going into effect in Oklahoma that would have required children under the age of 17 to have a prescription to obtain Plan B One-step pills or generic emergency contraception. Some believe that these pharmaceuticals may have abortifacient effects.  See […]