Abortion Women's health

Dr. Peter Saunders discusses the abortion/breast cancer link

Here is a link to a LifeNews article by Dr. Peter Saunders discussing recent developments concerning the abortion/breast cancer link.  It is important that discussions of this issue  are based on the best science available. The piece by Dr. Saunders ends with this carefully expressed opinion: “This is clearly a debate that will run and run […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases History

Clarke Forsythe’s book on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to my post on Mirror of Justice highlighting Clarke Forsythe’s new book on Roe v. Wade. Clarke has presented some of the work reflected in the book at University Faculty for Life conferences in recent years. Earlier this year, Linda Greenhouse noted that hardly anyone reads Roe v. Wade anymore. Clake […]

Abortion Central America Colleges and Universities Conscience protection South America

Chilean call for signatures

José Ignacio Martínez Estay, Vicerrector de Investigación y Postgrado at Universidad de los Andes in Chile, is looking for signatures of American professors on a letter to the editor supporting the right to life from conception to natural death and religious freedom. This is intended to counter pro-abortion letters on the other side that have US […]

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

NY Times article on fetal pain legislation

  Here is a link to a National Right to Life News story commenting on today’s NY Times article on fetal pain legislation. Here is the conclusion of the National Right to Life News story: “This is an important story that gives credit where credit is due; helps the reader understand why legislation that makes people […]


AUL Writing Contest

Here is a link with information about The Advocates for Life Legal Writing Contest sponsored by Americans United for Life. This is a great opportunity for law students to use their talents to serve the pro-life cause.  Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain

Careter Snead on the constitutionality of laws banning abortion after 20 weeks

Here is a link to a good piece by Carter Snead on the constitutionality of laws (such as the recent Texas law)  banning abortion after 20 weeks to prevent fetal pain. Here is his conclusion:  “In summary, the Constitution does not prevent Texas from taking this very modest step to protect unborn children. There are […]

Abortion Europe Legislation Religious views

Moral Theology and the Irish abortion law, in “Ireland’s abortion bill the result of 40 years of bad moral theology: priest/professor,” reports that a leading Catholic moral theologian and long-time defender of life, Fr. Vincent Twomey, blames the passage of the recent Irish abortion law on years of bad moral theology training in the seminaries that is “radically at variance with […]

Abortion Bioethics Uncategorized

Pregnancy in the case of rape?

People who are doing research in the area of pregnancy resulting from rape may want to be aware of and respond to a blog post on the web page that calls into question the idea that the distress from rape suppresses ovulation. The article states: “As controversial as the subject of abortion is, irrespective of […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Informed consent Legislation Planned Parenthood Politics Surgical abortion Ultrasound

Wisconsin Ultrasound Law

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin recently signed into law a bill known as Sonya’s Law (Act 37) that requires an ultrasound before an abortion. The law also requires that the doctor have “admitting privileges” at a hospital within 30 miles of the clinic. Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and others are challenging the law in court. […]

Abortion minors Surgical abortion

Fewer surgical abortions in Michigan this year

According to Right to Life Michigan’s analysis of statistics from the Michigan Department of Community Health, the number of abortions has dropped 53% since 1987. The percentage of teenage abortions has dropped as well. See article.