Abortion Legislation

Pro-life legislation in the states

Courtesy of the National Right to Life News and Mary Spaulding Balch, here is an encouraging story describing recent pro-life legislation in the states. Richard M.

Abortion Mental health

abortion and mental health

Here is a link to a recent statement from Dr. Priscilla Coleman on abortion and mental health. The statement addresses recent criticisms of her scholarly work on this topic. Richard m.

Abortion Legislation minors Parental involvement

House hearing on CIANA

Here is a LifeNews story about today’s hearing on CIANA (the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act). Here is a link to commentary on CIANA from Bill Saunders and Mary Harned. CIANA, according to Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who has introduced CIANA in each Congress since 2005, would make it a federal crime to transport a minor across state […]

Abortion Ultrasound

Virginia governor signs ultrasound law

Here is a story from about the signing of the Virginia ultrasound law. The bill that Governor McDonnell signed was amended so that transvaginal ultrasounds are not required. Richard M.

Abortion Legislation

AP story on impact of state restrictions on abortion

Here is a link to an AP story on the impact of state laws restricting abortions. The article notes that state funding bans have had the greatest impact. Richard M.

Abortion Conscience protection

Midwives lose conscience case in Scotland

Here is a link to an article on the recent decision from the Court of Session in Edinburgh rejecting the arguments of 2 midwives who claimed a right to conscientiously object to being forced to supervise the carrying out of abortions. I have not been able to find a copy of the decision but the descriptions […]

Abortion Court cases

Alabama Supreme Court on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to an article on a recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court in which Justice Parker critiques Roe’s viability standard. The Alabama case did not involve abortion. The case dealt with how to interpret Alabama’s wrongful death statute. Justice Parker’s decision notes the anomaly between how the unborn is treated in […]

Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Justice Ginsburg: Roe moved too far too fast

Here is an AP story noting Justice Ginsburg’s comments (which she has expressed in the past) that Roe v. Wade “moved too far too fast.” After noting that the Court had other options to adopting the sweeping approach it took in Roe V. Wade, Justice Ginsburg commented: “The court made a decision that made every abortion law in the […]

Abortion Women's health

academics to study impact of abortion on women

Here is a short item by Priscilla Coleman about a new group (WECARE; that will study the impact of abortion on women. Here is her description of the organization: “WECARE is a 501c3 organization newly established to bring together credentialed scientists with a research program on the physical, psychological, and/or relational effects of abortion to […]

Abortion Literary Treatment

Book review of Lisa De Niscia’s Momentary Mother has published my book review of Lisa De Niscia’s novel, Momentary Mother.  The review (at summarizes attributes of characters in De Niscia’s novel and critiques its literary features, especially its use of a Hemingway literary device.