Abortion International South America

San Jose Articles used to block right to abortion in Uruguay

Here is an encouraging article from C-Fam about a positive development in Uruguay. There has been a steady push from the abortion rights movement to claim that there is a right to abortion protected by international law. The San Jose Articles (see this post, refute that claim and the Articles have now been […]

Abortion Media treatment Opinion polls Politics Ultrasound

Hidden Persuaders

That’s the title of a recent article by Fred Barnes in the Weekly Standard. The article’s subtitle is “The unheralded gains of  the pro-life movement.” Barnes describes a series of positive developments: the impact of sonograms, the increasing pro-life sentiment among young people, the rapid increase in pregnancy care centers, etc. At the end of […]


Mississippi personhood amendment rejected

The personhood amendment in Mississippi was rejected by voters. The implications of this vote are not clear. As the New York Times article notes, the personhood amendment effort has split the pro-life movement. Some pro-life groups object to the personhood effort on strategic grounds. Richard M.    

Abortion Conscience protection Court cases

Nurses’ jobs threatened by their refusal to assist in abortions

Here is a LifeNews report on a lawsuit that was filed by a dozen nurses whose jobs were threatened because they refused to assist in abortions. The suit, brought by lawyers from the Alliance Defense Fund, contends that the nurses’ rights under federal and state were violated by the hospital’s threats. UPDATE: The court issued a temporary […]

Abortion Bioethics Medical abortion Philosophy

The latest on natural-law theory and unborn human life

In a past post, I mentioned the dialogue between philosopher Fr. Martin Rhonheimer and his critics – or, perhaps one should say, one of the dialogues, or one aspect of the dialogue – namely, that concerning his ‘vital conflicts’ theory. In the Autumn 2011 issue of the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, there is more, dealing […]


NY Times article on proposed personhood amendments

Here is a link to an article in today’s New York Times on the personhood proposals pending in Mississippi, and being considered in several other states. Richard M.

Abortion Late-term abortion

Sam Calhoun’s paper on Kermit Gosnell

Here is the abstract of Sam Calhoun’s paper on Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell, and a link to the abstract and paper. Sam presented a version of this  paper at the University of Faculty for Life conference at Notre Dame in June 2011. “This article focuses on three of the atrocities committed by Philadelphia abortion […]

Abortion Constitutionality Sex-selection abortion

Michael Paulsen essay on sex-selection abortions

Here is a link to an essay by Michael Paulsen that was published today on the Public Discourse blog. After noting the practice of abortion for sex-selection, Paulsen discusses the prospect that a law banning abortion for reasons of sex selection might force the Supreme Court to confront the realities of its abortion case law. […]


Changing Minds, Saving Lives

“Changing Minds, Saving Lives” is the title of a good essay by Nicholas DiFonzo (Rochester Institute of Technology) in the November 2011 of First Things. The essay is based on a talk that Nicholas delivered at the 2011 University Faculty for Life conference, whcih was held in June at the University of Notre Dame. The essay […]

Abortion Bioethics

NCBQ and the Phoenix abortion case

The most recent issue of the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Vol. 11, no. 3; Autumn 2011) contains several articles that continue the discussion about the Phoenix abortion case and related matters. The issue contains articles by Rev. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, OP (Abortion in a Case of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension), Thomas A. Cavanaugh (Double-Effect Reasoning, […]