Abortion Clinic regulation Sidewalk Counseling

Questions women ask before getting an abortion

RH Reality Check, an abortion-rights blog, features news and commentary that can be quite provocative. For example, one post entitled A Different Type of Sidewalk Counseling provides commentary on what women seeking abortions ask other women who they know have had abortions. The questions the author lists undercuts claims by abortion rights advocates that women […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Politics

Abortion Clinic Regulation

As the present battles in Kansas and Virginia show, controversies over abortion clinic regulation seem certain to continue.  According to A. Barton Hinkle [Richmond Times-Dispatch, March 4, 2011], conventional labels like “conservative” and “liberal” are not predictive of where one stands on this issue.  “[M]any so-called conservatives believe in limited government everywhere except the uterus.” […]

Abortion Africa International

Abortion in Egypt

An article in the prochoice Women News Network asserts that many women in Egypt seek abortions to avoid honor killings. The article can be found at Information regarding Egyptian abortion law can be found on the UN website at

Abortion Constitutionality

New law review article on the “undue burden” standard after Gonzales v. Carhart

SSRN has a new article by Professor Kiahara Bridges, Capturing the Judiciary: Carhart and the Undue Burden Standard. Professor Bridges joined the law faculty by Boston University from the Center for Reproductive Rights, where she was an academic fellow. The fellowship is co-hosted and co-sponsored by Columbia Law School. As an undergraduate student, Professor Bridges […]

Abortion Politics Religious views

Commonweal “Can we talk about abortion?”

Rick Garnett over at Mirror of Justice blog has recommended Commonweal’s new story, “Can we talk about abortion?‘ It will come as no surprise to Catholic readers of this blog that none of the three contributors to the article, Dennis O’Brien, Peter Steinfels, and Cathleen Caveny, give a robust defense of the view that innocent […]

Abortion Call for Papers Conferences International

Abstracts due for Queen’s Health and Human Rights Conference

Abstract submission closes Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011 for the Queen’s Health & Human Rights Conference Sept 30-Oct 1, 2011, Kingston ON Canada. More information here.

Call for Papers Women's health

Call for papers on maternal mortality – submission due this month!

The British based journal, Reproductive Health Matters has issued a call for papers to appear in its May 2012 issue. While this is an unlikely forum for prolife academics, we are all committed to answering the question posed for the May issue, “how can we reduce maternal mortality?” The call for papers can be found […]

Abortion Court cases Medical abortion Women's health

Self-induced abortions and RU-486

The woman challenging the Idaho abortion laws says she brought her lawsuit after a district attorney tried to prosecute her for a self-induce abortion. The charges were dismissed, but form the basis for her claim that she fears injury from the enforcement of the Idaho laws. I have blogged previously about her claims related to […]

Abortion Canada infanticide

Canadian infanticide case

Here is the LifeSiteNews story about a stunning case in Canada. In 2005, a 19 year old woman gave birth to a baby and then killed the newborn. After several failed efforts to prosecute her for 2d degree murder, she was convicted of the lesser charge of infanticide. The judge gave her a suspended sentence, […]

Abortion Sex-selection abortion

Council of Europe and sex-selection abortion

Here is a link to an article about a resolution that will go before the Council of Europe next month. According to the resolution, hospitals would be barred from disclosing to pregnant mothers the sex of their unborn baby. The draft resolution, which was recently passed by the Council’s equal opportunities committee, is motivated by the increasing concern about […]