Abortion Constitutionality Court cases

Challenging First Trimester Abortion Regulations

SSRN contains a new law review article by Professor Tracey Thomas, Back to the Future of Regulating Abortion in the First Term. Professor Thomas evidences her commitment to abortion rights both in the argument she makes and the sources she cites. Her history of abortion regulation in the United States is drawn exclusively from James […]

Abortion Religious views

Abortion and Sainthood

Kathryn Jean Lopez has written a moving piece responding to Stephen Prothero’s very odd commentary on Dorothy Day’s abortion and her cause for sainthood. Prothero’s conclusion suggests that his real purpose is not to reflect on the possible cannonization of Dorthy Day but to argue that the sinfulness of abortion is not accepted by all […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Health Care Reform

Targeting Downs Syndrome by Regulation

Attorney Mark Leach has a great new blog post on new regulations based on the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations and their impact on unborn children with Down’s Syndrome. His fear is that the prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases will be used to pressure mothers to abort their down syndrome babies. He notes that public comments […]

Abortion Conscience protection Constitutionality Politics Presidential Actions

Video of GOP candidates on abortion and constitutional change

If readers want to view each of the GOP presidential candidates respond to Professor Robert George’s question regarding abortion at the Palmetto Freedom Forum, you can find those exchanges on YouTube. Bachmann-George exchange at 5:27-8:18. Cain-George exchange at 6:28-8:56. Gingrich-George exchange at 7:46-9:15 very short answer then discussion of judicial role in Constitution. Paul-George exchange […]

Abortion Constitutionality Politics Presidential Actions

Personhood and the Presidential Debates

UFL Member Michael New has a short post, Abortion and the 14th Amendment, over at NRO. He describes GOP presidential candidates’ responses to the question of whether they would support legislation, under Section Five of the 14th Amendment that would restore legal protection for unborn children. Professor New notes that only Mitt Romney failed to […]

Abortion Constitutionality Legislation

An article on the “personhood movement”

Here is a link to an article in The New Republic entitled–“A Radical New Ploy to Destroy Roe v. Wade–Which Just Might Work.” It is the article that occasioned the blog debate on personhood that Teresa addressed in her earlier post on this blog. The article focuses on the “personhood movement” with particular attention to a personhood […]

Abortion Fetal anomolies and disabilities Philosophy Religious views

Abortion and Conjoined Twins

A young single mom from Wisconsin has become the subject of international commentary due to her decision to continue her pregnancy after being informed that the twin daughters she is carrying are joined at the heart and share other internal organs. Some readers of this blog may recall the controversy that arose in England a […]

Abortion Mental health Sidewalk Counseling

Study of emotional impact of sidewalk counselors

I have blogged about the increasing legal enforcement of the Free Access to Clinic Entrance Act here. There will be an interesting presentation on the emotion impact of counselors outside abortion clinics on Oct. 23 in Washington DC at the North American Forum for Family Planning (Forum), the combined annual meeting of the Society of […]

Abortion Court cases Mental health Politics Women's health

Political Change and Abortion

SSRN has a new article The Civic Underpinnings of Legal Change: Gay Rights, Abortion, and Gun Control. Written by Professor Palma Joy Strand (Creighton), her thesis is that legal change occurs when individuals seeking change share their stories of how the failure to change harms them. These stories facilitate the crafting of a group identity, […]

Abortion Constitutionality Philosophy Politics

Law blog post on fetal personhood

Today seems to be the day to consider the legal status of the unborn – first the Nebraska law suit and now this post over on Prawfsblawg, Why Does it Matter if a Fetus is a Person? I think Professor Horwitz’s analysis is rather simplistic in his claims that fetal personhood decides the question of […]