Abortion Conscience protection Health Care Reform Taxpayer funding

Healthcare Reform and Prolife Principles

Ryan Anderson provides a brief review of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) from the prolife perspective in Protected in Law, Cared for in Life. His key concerns deal with the Act’s apparent inclusion of abortion as healthcare for funding purposes and the failure to include protection of conscience provisions for healthcare […]

Abortion Court cases

Abortion and Men’s Responsibility/Rights

Fox News is carrying an interesting editorial by a pyschiatrist, “Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions.” He argues that current law giving men no say in a woman’s decision whether to continue or terminate her pregnancy teaches men that they are not responsible for the lives they create. The editorial argues the this is […]

Abortion Legislation

AP story on wave of pro-life laws

Here is a link to an AP story on the wave of pro-life laws that have been passed this year by state legislatures.  Here’s the last paragraph in the article: “We talk about accumulating victories,” said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life. “Any time you want to make long-term change, on an […]

Abortion Contraception Politics Taxpayer funding

Costs of Unplanned Pregnancies

The Brookings Institute has published a new study, The High Cost of Unintended Pregnancy. The abstract describes the conclusion of the study: The high incidence of unintended pregnancy imposes costs on American society that range from increased rates of crime and welfare participation to reduced levels of high-school completion and labor-force participation. We focus on […]

Abortion Medical abortion Women's health

Telemedicine and Medical Abortions

The August 2011 issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology discusses the emerging practice of providing medical abortions via telephone in Effectiveness and Acceptability of Medical Abortion Provided Through Telemedicine. Interestingly the study reports slightly higher abortion completion rates among patients served through telemedicine (99%) over those provided services face-to-face (97%). The study also reports that twenty-five […]

Abortion International Law Schools Medical abortion Research sites and suggestions Women's health

Human Rights and Medical Abortion

SSRN has posted a new article, Access to Information on Safe Abortion: A Harm Reduction and Human Rights Approach. According to the abstract the article explores claims that the international norms protecting the right of access to information includes the right to give and receive information for self-administration of misoprostol (RU-486). The author, Joanna Erdman, […]

Abortion Europe International

Poland’s Abortion Law Complies with International Law has a well researched article arguing that the recently enacted law strictly limiting abortion in Poland complies with international law. Current Polish law provides three exceptions for abortions: abortion is legal until the twelfth week of pregnancy where the pregnancy endangers the mother’s life or health (medical abortion); when prenatal tests or other medical […]

Abortion Contraception Health Care Reform International Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

Will federally-mandated contraceptive coverage reduce abortion?

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Women’s Preventive Services Study Committee recommended that health insurers cover “the full range of Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity” without co-pays or deductibles for patients in a report issued today. The report can be found […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Media treatment

Recap of Prolife Arguments on Abortion

Provocative professor and Townhall Columnist, Mike Adams, has posted an abbreviated version of a speech he gave to a national gathering of college student on rebutting arguments in favor of abortion. The first installment is entitled “Killing Six Birds with One Stone.” The second and final installment entitled Poverty, Rape and Abortion.

Abortion Philosophy Research sites and suggestions University Faculty for Life

Review of Kaczor’s “The Ethics of Abortion”

Fine new book by UFL member Chris Kaczor — here is my review of it: The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice. By Christopher Kaczor. New York NY: Routledge, 2011. Pp. 246. $39.95 paper. There can be no philosophically sophisticated discussion of the morality of abortion that fails to […]