Abortion Constitutionality Contraception Fetal pain Legislation Planned Parenthood Politics

Cost of Unplanned Pregnancies and Laws on Fetal Pain

UFL member Michael New has some interesting observations on the Guttmacher Institute’s new report estimating the cost of unplanned pregnancies here and a brief comment on the NYT report regarding the passage of laws related to fetal pain here.

Abortion Asia Feminism Feticide Sex-selection abortion

Abortion and Increased Sex Trade

Chuck Colson reflects on the connection between sex-selective abortions and the increased demand for prostitution in a post here. He mentions a law review article by two Loyola law students, Kristi Lemoine & John Tanagho, Gender Discrimination Fuels Sex-Selective Abortion: The Impact of the Indian Supreme Court on the Implementation and Enforcement of the PNDT […]

Abortion Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka post on another mystery by Ralph McInerny

Courtesy of Frank Zapatka, here is a commentary on Ralph McInerny’s The Prudence of the Flesh.  The Prudence of the Flesh (2006), the 25th of Ralph McInerny’s 26 “Father Dowling Myster[ies]” is another of several  of his mysteries in which the life issues are involved. In this one, the relevant passages are paraphrased and quoted in the […]

Abortion Central America Medical abortion Pharmacies

New article on Mexican Pharmacies Sale of RU-486

RU-486 has been available and used to induce abortions in Mexico since 2007. It is available from local pharmacies without prescription. A new study, How Often and Under Which Circumstances Do Mexican Pharmacy Vendors Recommend Misoprostol to Induce an Abortion, reports on exchanges between pharmacists and simulated clients (a young woman, an adult woman and […]

Abortion Africa Asia Australia Canada Central America Europe International South America

New article on abortion trends worldwide

The new issue of International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Rights contains an article entitled Legal Abortion Worldwide in 2008. The article surveys reports from the 77 nations that permit abortion to perserve a woman’s mental or physical health. The article critiques collection of abortion statistics, noting that most “official” reports are incomplete. The United […]

Abortion Bioethics Colleges and Universities Conscience protection Court cases Eugenics Feminism Feticide Health Care Reform Human embryos infanticide Law Schools Population Control Pregnancy Assistance Centers Research sites and suggestions

Reproductive Rights Blog

In 2007, Caitlin E. Borgmann, another former Center for Reproductive Rights lawyer turned law professor, established the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog. The blog contains this description of its purpose and scope: Welcome to the Reproductive Rights Prof Blog, a member of the Law Professor Blogs network. This blog aims to provide resources, news, and information […]

Abortion Legislation Philosophy Planned Parenthood Politics Taxpayer funding

Wisconsin Budget Redirects Funds away from Planned Parenthood

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently signed a budget bill which redirects $1 million in state and federal family planning funds away from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin toward other providers of family planning services.  According to , “in 2010 Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin received more than $18 million in federal and state family planning funds that […]

Abortion Health Care Reform International Mental health Women's health

Klick’s economics studies of the negative effects of abortion are worth consulting

The economics literature over the past 15 years has shown significant downsides of abortion for women, yet it remains largely unknown and uncited by pro-life scholars and lawyers. The work of University of Pennsylvania law and economics professor Jonathan Klick (individually and with others) is particularly well regarded and worth consulting. Consider, for example, his […]

Abortion Constitutionality Informed consent Legislation Politics Religious views Ultrasound Women's health

North Carolina’s Woman’s Right to Know Act

The North Carolina legislature recently passed the Woman’s Right to Know Act, which requires a 24 hour waiting period before an abortion during which the pregant mother would have an opportunity to consider information and view an ultrasound. Governor Perdue vetoed the Act. North Carolina’s Catholic bishops have issued a statement urging an override. […]

Canada Death and dying Feminism Women's health

Motherhood’s Protective Effect on Suicidal Impulse

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young adults and the elderly. According to a short article on international efforts to prevent suicide: “According to World Health Organisation statistics, in the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide and the global suicide rate was 16 per 100,000 in 2009. […]