Abortion Clinic regulation Court cases Legislation Medical abortion Planned Parenthood Politics Taxpayer funding Women's health

Americans United for Life Report on Planned Parenthood

Today on Public Discourse, Bill Saunders–Senior Vice President and Senior Council for Americans United for Life–reports on AUL’s in-depth investigation into Planned Parenthood. The report discusses overbilling by Planned Parenthood, failure to abide by state parental involvement laws, involvement in opposing common sense regulation of abortion, and disregard of FDA regulations on the use of […]

Abortion Women's health

Risk of Premature Birth Increased by Abortion

The London Times has reported on a large Scottish study finding that induced abortion increases the risk of premature birth in subsequent pregnancies by as much as 34%. The study appears at Best Practice and Research: Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2010, Pages 667-682, and is available through the Science Direct […]


A Voice Purified by Suffering

Canada’s Linda Gibbons has spent ten of the past seventeen years in prison for picketing an abortion clinic against a court injunction. Now out for a time, she has given a short talk at a Canadian pro-lfe gathering. I believe that we should listen well to anyone whose full virtue has opened her up to […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conferences Contraception Feminism International Politics Sex-selection abortion Sexual practices

Call for Papers – Rethinking Feminism & the Law

Women’s Studies Center (Sponsored by UGC), ILS Law College, Pune in partnership with the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales and the Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney is pleased to announce the inaugural International Conference on Feminism and the Law: Revisiting the Past, Rethinking the Present & Thinking the Way Forward […]

Abortion Contraception Legislation

Abortion Restrictions and Use of the Pill

New article from Cornell and Colorado State indicates that women living in states with more restrictive abortion laws are more likely to use oral contraceptives to avoid pregnancy.

Abortion Constitutionality Feminism Philosophy Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

Abortion Funding and the Right to Resist Bodily Invasion

In an article that can be found on SSRN, Robin West, a prominent feminist law professor, evaluates Eileen McDonagh theory that the state funding of abortion facilitiates a woman’s right right to resist the non-consensual invasion, appropriation, and use of her physical body by an unwelcome fetus. West praises McDonagh’s theory as making the personhood […]

Feticide Legislation

Tennessee passes unborn victims of violence act

Here is a story discussing the passage of another state Unborn Victims of Violence Act.   These state laws and the federal law have the potential to undermine Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.  National Right to Life’s  website contains extensive information about the issue.  Richard M.

Conferences International

Registration now open for V Pro-Life World Congress

The Organizing Committee for the V Prolife World Congress has announced the opening of registration for this important event, to be held in San José, Costa Rica from October 28 to 30, 2011. Past Congresses were held in Madrid (2003), Lima (2005), Mexico (2007), and Saragossa (2009). The activity will be held at the Universidad […]

Abortion Bioethics Eugenics Euthanasia Research sites and suggestions

SSRN Access to Scholarly Papers

A valuable (and free!) interdisciplinary resource for academic research is the Social Science Research Network. It contains almost 350,000 abstracts and 280,000 manuscripts of scholarly articles in the areas of health, legal, political, philosophy, and rhetoric. I use it often to find the newest articles on a subject. An example of what you might find […]

Feminism Opinion polls Sex-selection abortion

American Preference for Boys

A new Gallup poll asked a random sample of 1,020 American adults whether they’d prefer to have a girl or a boy if they could only chose one. Forty percent said they prefer a boy, 28 percent said they would want a girl, and the rest didn’t mind either way or weren’t sure.  This survey is […]