Feminism International Sex-selection abortion

World-wide impact of sex-selective abortion

Ross Douthat has a good review of a new book on the genesis and impact of sex-selective abortion in the NYT today.

Fetal pain Late-term abortion Legislation

NYT on Unborn Child Pain Protection Acts

The NYT ran a front page article today on the passage of laws limiting abortion in recognition that an unborn child feels pain at 20 weeks. While the article is better than most NYT pieces on abortion as far as trying to be even handed (I know this is faint praise), the reporter omits […]

Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

The Right Reason for Not Funding Planned Parenthood.

The best reason not to fund Planned Parenthood is never mentioned in the newspapers. (Could it also have been overlooked in the briefs?) Numerous undercover investigations have shown that Planned Parenthood prefers money to the interests of women. But even without that evidence, it would be unwise to entrust pregnancy prevention and pregnancy counseling to […]

Canada Court cases International

British Columbia pro-life activists found guilty of violating ‘bubble zone’ – for handing out copies of the law under which they were convicted

In a remarkable case, two Canadian pro-life activists have been convicted of violating an abortion “bubble zone”. What is remarkable is that they were not handing out pro-life literature, but rather copies of  British Columbia’s Access to Abortion Services Act – the act under which they were convicted. An account can be found at

Canada Court cases International

The Canadian Supreme Court and Abortion

Canada’s path to an unlimited legal right to abortion has  features which Americans may find of interest. A brief  account can be found in The National Post at

International United Nations

Jeanne Head’s comment on UN procedures

Here is a link to commentary by Jeanne Head of National Right to Life on the UN procedures that have been used in recent years. These procedures, which depart significantly from procedures used in the past, undermine national sovereignty and transparency. The new procedures are quite troublesome to the pro-life/pro-family coalition. Richard M.

Fetal pain Late-term abortion

forthcoming article of interest

Two pro-choice advocates are publishing an article of interest in The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics: Glenn Cohen and Sadath Sayeed, Fetal Pain, Abortion, Viability and the Constitution (forthcoming April/May 2011). One significant point is that the authors implicitly corroborate the irrelevance of viability to the personhood of an infant born alive in an […]


The Pro-Life Spring in America

14 June 2011 The New York Times recently carried a lengthy article by Emily Bazelon entitled “The Reincarnation of Pro-Life,” N.Y. Times May 27, 2011.  It is available at  .  While a bit sensational  in parts (just a hint of “To the ramparts!  The barbaric hordes are coming!”) much of it is quite encouraging.  […]

Court cases Legislation Ultrasound

Texas sonogram law challenged

Texas recently enacted a law that requires that women considering abortion to be able to view a sonogram. The law, which went into effect on May 20, 2011, has just been challenged in federal court. See There has been a recent trend for pro-abortion groups not to challenge pro-life legislation. This case will be an important test […]

Abortion Politics

Greenhouse/Siegel article on Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to my post on the Mirror of Justice blog on a recent article by Linda Greenhouse and Reva Siegel on Roe v. Wade. The Greenhouse/Siegel article critiques what the authors describe as a “court-centered backlash narrative.” Although there is much that I disagree with in the authors’ account, I think the […]