Assisted suicide Euthanasia Religious views

US Catholic Bishops to discuss a document on assisted suicide

Here is a LifeNews story on a new document opposing assisted suicide that the US Catholic bishops will conider at a meeting in mid-June.  This is a welcome development. After the major public battles on the issue in the mid-1990s, this issue has to some extent flown under the radar. Richard M.

infanticide Sex-selection abortion

campaign to target gendercide

Here is LifeNews story on the launch of a campaign to target gendercide–the practice of eliminating girls through sex-selection abortion and infanticide. The campaign highlights the growing gender imbalance in countries such as China and India. Richard M.

Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka post on a mystery by Ralph McInerny

As we get ready for our upcoming University Faculty for Life conference at Notre Dame, it seemed appropriate to post this comment by Frank Zapatka on one of Ralph McInerny’s Notre Dame mysteries. Here is Frank’s comment– Ralph McInerny’s Lack of the Irish (1998) Lack of the Irish (1998), the second of McInerny’s thirteen  mysteries […]

Fetal anomolies and disabilities

Prenatal Testing Sham

Here is a LifeNews story (first published on the Public Discourse website) on the use of prenatal testing to abort disabled babies. Richard M.

Opinion polls

Encouraging Gallup Survey on Abortion

Here is a National Right to Life News story on an encouraging Gallup poll on attitudes on abortion. Here is Wesley Smith’s comment on the survey. Richard M.

Fetal anomolies and disabilities

Melissa Clouthier’s column on “aborting imperfection”

Here is a powwrful column by Melissa Clouthier on aborting children with disabilities. Richard M.

Politics Ultrasound

“Five Signs the Pro-Life Cause is Winning”

That’s the title of a recent column on Patheos by Trevin Wax. See Here’s the conclusion: “The abortion debate will not go away. The fundamental issue at stake is not reproductive freedom but the desire to extend human rights to all — even the smallest and most vulnerable human beings among us. Those who continue […]

Legislation Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act

Here is the latest from National Right to Life on the ongoing debate about the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act. Richard M.

Literary Treatment

Frank Zapatka on McInerny’s “The Search Committee”

Here is another post by Frank Zapatka (Emeritus, American U). Here Frank comments on passages in one of Ralph McInerny’s novels. The late Ralph McInerny (Philosophy, Notre Dame) in “The Writing Life”( First Things, 3.2006:) suggested that mystery novels “function as fictional Kleenex—one use and they’re gone” (p. 26). But, I would suggest that his […]

Europe International Legislation

European law doesn’t force Czech Republic to allow abortion

Here is a LifeNews report on this matter. The Alliance Defense Fund, in an opinion sent to the Czech government, explained that neither international law nor European law requires that the Czech Republic make abortions available to women from other countries. This ADF effort is in part the work of Roger Kiska, who has been doing […]