Feticide Legislation

North Carolina passes unborn victims of violence law

North Carolina recently became the latest state to pass a law protecting unborn victims of violence. Here is the story from the National Right to Life News. See That story contains a link to NRLC’s complete coverage of the federal and state laws on this topic. Back in 2001, I had the privilege of testifying before Congress […]

Abortion Legislation Politics

Steve Aden commentary on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life laws

Steve Aden from the Alliance Defense Fund has this interesting perspective on the failure of abortion rights groups to challenge new pro-life legislation. See Aden concludes his article with this view: “By ignoring a tidal wave of legal authority that insists that unborn children are valuable and worthy of legal protection, CRR and Planned Parenthood […]

Constitutionality Politics

The Death of Roe v. Wade

That is the title of a recent Slate piece by Dahlia Lithwick. See The piece has to be read to be be believed. Lithwick complains that Roe is no longer a binding precedent, because opponents and supporters of abortion rights don’t treat the case as the law of the land. The result she says is […]

Fetal pain Legislation

abortion bans to prevent fetal pain may not be challenged

Here is a LifeNews story that discusses the prospect that abortion rights groups may not challenge laws in Nebraska and other states that ban abortion to prevent fetal pain. Richard M.

International United Nations

Bill Saunders comment on the UN and abortion rights

Here is a commentary by Bill Saunders on an action by the UN to honor the Center for Reproductive Rights. Saunders notes that the characterization of the Center as a supporter of human rights depends on the errroneous assumption that abortion is a human right.  Richard M.

Colleges and Universities Literary Treatment University Faculty for Life

UFL Scholarly Achievement Award for 2011

The deadline for University Faculty for Life’s Scholarly Achievement Award in Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, or Research is quickly approaching.  Thanks to generous anonymous donors, the prize amounts for this year’s contest have been doubled.  Two documents about the contest are available for your use: a flyer suitable for newsletter reproduction and another document which […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Religious views Uncategorized

Bill Saunders on two pro-life heroes

Here is a link to a piece by Bill Saunders (of Americans United for Life) on two pro-life heroes–Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo. Richard M.

Legislation Sex-selection abortion

Arizona bans race- and sex-based abortions

The Arizona legislature has passed a law banning abortions for reasons of race and sex. Here is an earlier post on this issue. Richard M.

Politics Uncategorized

Ellen McCormack, pro-life Democratic presidential candidate, dead at 84

Ellen McCormack, pro-life candidate in the Democratic primaries for president in the 1970s, has died.  Interested persons may wish to balance the obituary of the New York Times ( with that of Dr. Michael New (  Thanks to Dr. Jane Gilroy, author of the definitive biography about Ellen McCormack’s presidential bids, for this information.

Legislation Parental involvement

study demonstrates that parental notice laws reduce abortion rates

Michael New recently published a study that demonstrates that parental notice laws reduce abortion rates by 15%. Richard M.