Legislation Politics

recent AP story on new abortion legislation

Here is a report (“Wave of anti-abortion bills advance in the states”) from the Associated Press on new legislation restricting abortion. Richard M.

Informed consent Legislation

Recent South Dakota legislation/3-day waiting period and counseling requirements

Here are a couple of reports on the legislation recently signed in South Dakota. The law, which is to go into effect in July, requires a 3 day waiting period and also requires that women seeking an abortion receive counseling at crisis pregnancy centers. Here is the Lifenews report. Here is a report from the […]

Abortion Philosophy

More praise for Chris Kaczor’s book on the abortion

In a prior post, I mentioned Chris Kaczor’s excellent new book entitled “The Ethics of Abortion.”  See Here is a review of the book by Raymond Hain from The Public Discourse website. In Hain’s view, “Kaczor’s clear and even-handed writing makes it an excellent resource for anyone who wishes to think carefully about the significant […]

Assisted suicide Euthanasia Hospice Philosophy

lecture by John Keown

Professor John Keown (Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University) will be giving a lecture in London (Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Westminster) on May 16, 2011. The lecture, which is entitled “The provision of palliative care: an ethical and legal duty?”, is sponsored by by the Anscombe Bioethics Centre. See Professor Keown will also speak on […]

Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

Defunding the abortion group Planned Parenthood

The feminist group The Susan B. Anthony List invites persons interested in defunding Planned Parenthood to attend its teleconference and web simulcast Monday 3-7-11, 9 PM EST.  Registration is available through

Legislation Sex-selection abortion

Arizona house passes bill banning abortions for sex-selection and for reasons of race

Here is link to a LifeNews story describing the Arizona House’s approval of  a bill  banning abortion for reasons of sex-selection or because the unborn child is of a certain race. This bill deals attempts to address a growing problem. Although it seems unlikely the courts will uphold such bans, this effort serves imprtant educational goals.  Richard M.

Politics Religious views

“Pro-choice advocates are caught in a time warp”

That assessment is from Frances Kissling, former head of “Catholics for Choice.” This assessment came in a recent opinion piece in the Washington Post. Kissling notes the “increasingly sophisticated arguments” of pro-lifers and also notes that public opinion is shifting toward the pro-life side. She states that “we can no longer pretend the fetus […]

Philosophy Planned Parenthood Uncategorized

Live Action, Planned Parenthood, and the Morality of Lying

There has been a lot of discussion about Live Action’s videos that reveal some shocking practices by Planned Parenthood staffers. On the Public Discourse website, Christopher Tollefsen has criticized Live Action’s practices. Others, including Christopher Kaczor, have defended Live Action’s approach. While admitting that this is a very difficult issue, I am inclined to think Tollefsen has […]

Death and dying Literary Treatment Literary Treatment

comments on the life issues in John Updike’s last book

Here, courtesy of Frank Zapatka, are some reflections on passages in John Updike’s last book that address the life issues. Richard M. Here are Frank’s comments– The late John Updike (1931-2009) makes several casual references to life issues in five stories in his last book, My Father’s Tears and Other Stories (NY: Knopf, 2009). As […]

Assisted suicide Bioethics Death and dying Euthanasia Philosophy Stem cell research

Bioethics in Clinical Care

Dr. Andrew Trew will conduct a series of five workshops titled “Bioethics in Clinical Care” in the metropolitan Cleveland, Ohio area February 16 and 23 and March 2, 16, and 23.  Participants can earn ten CME/CEU credits.  Topics include bioethics consultations, treatment decisions, competent and incompetent patients, early life and end of life care, advanced […]