Abortion Constitutionality Fetal pain Late-term abortion Legislation

debate on the constitutionality of fetal pain legislation

See you the links below for discussion of the constitutionality of legislation banning abortion to prevent fetal pain. Paul Linton recently published an article in the Human Life Review, , arguing that laws such as Nebraska’s recently passed statute are misguided because such laws have little chance of being upheld in the courts. Mary Balch has […]

Abortion Legislation Planned Parenthood Taxpayer funding

House to consider two important pro-life bills

This week, the House will consider two important pro-life bills– “The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” and the “Protect Life Act.” Here is a story from the National Right to Life News. Richard M.

Feticide infanticide International Sex-selection abortion

New gendercide video available

All Girls Allowed has issued a new video about gendercide (the killing of female unborn and newborn children) as practiced in the People’s Republic of China.  Please consult its website:

Abortion Conscience protection

Mark Rienzi’s paper on the right to refuse to do abortions

Courtesy of Rob Vischer and the Mirror of Justice blog, here is a post on Mark Rienzi’s article on health care providers’ right to refuse to perform abortions. Mark takes a novel approach. He argues that cases such as Planned Parenthood v. Casey and Lawrence v. Texas provide support for the refusal to perform abortions. […]

Abortion Constitutionality Pregnancy Assistance Centers

Baltimore law targeting pregnancy aid centers held unconstitutional

Here is a link to a LifeNews story on an encouraging ruling from a federal judge that held unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds a Baltimore law that targeted pregancy aid centers. On January 11, 2011, I posted a link to an article by Professor Mark Rienzi (from CUA law school) addressing this topic. This decision is […]

Abortion Informed consent Mental health

Michael New’s comment on NEJM study on abortion-mental health link

Here is a link to Michael New’s comment on a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study released by the NEJM allegedly refutes the link between abortion and an increased risk of mental health problems. New explains the flaws in the NEJM study. New’s comment also includes a link to a Priscilla Coleman’s […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conferences Politics

March for Life 2011

The March for Life this last Monday was a great success, and a testimony to the growing appeal of the culture of life to young people. The event was ignored by a lot of the media. See this LifeNews story. Here is a link to a story in the Washington Post.  Here is a link […]

Abortion Feticide infanticide International Sex-selection abortion

Petition against female infanticide in China

As we all know, more female babies are aborted in China than males, in part due to the country’s forced-abortion policy.  Chai Ling of the organization All Girls Allowed has a petition against this violation of women’s rights; her effort is especially opportune given President Hu’s visit to the United States.  The petition can be […]

Abortion Colleges and Universities Conscience protection Nursing schools Professional education Uncategorized

Vanderbilt forces nursing students to participate in abortions

That is the allegation made in a complaint filed with the Department of Health and Human Services. Here is the story. UPDATE: Apparently, Vanderbilt has responded to this complaint by making it clear that nursing students will not be required to participate in abortions.  Richard M.

Abortion Constitutionality

An abortion exception to the First Amendment?

Many have complained that cases that involve abortion seem to be subject to a special set of rules–rules that have had the effect of advancing abortion rights. Mark Rienzi, who teaches law at Catholic University, takes up the question whether there is an abortion exception to the first amendment. His paper evaluates recent efforts to regulate speech about alternatives to abortion. His conclusion […]