
41% of pregnancies in NYC end in abortion

Here is the story from LifeNews. Here is coverage from the National Right to Life Committee. Richard M.

Abortion Media treatment

The Unborn Paradox

Here is a link to Ross Douthat’s recent (January 2, 2011) column with the above title in the New York Times.    Here is his conclusion: “This is the paradox of America’s unborn. No life is so desperately sought after, so hungrily desired, so carefully nurtured. And yet no life is so legally unprotected, and so […]

Literary Treatment Literary Treatment

Linguistic use of Ngram

Colleagues involved in linguistic study may find Google’s Ngram feature helpful as a starting point for discussion about the use of words over the centuries.  A word of caution, though: entering the words “abortion,” “infanticide,” and “euthanasia” results in a graph which may be misleading. As pro-life scholars know, “abortion” was often called “infanticide” by British […]

Abortion Health exception Mental health Uncategorized

abortion and mental health

Here is another insightful piece by Michael New on the latest controversy about the link between abortion and women’s health. The Washington Post recently gave attention to a new article that allegedly refuted a study documenting that women who had abortions had an increased risk of various mental health problems. New explains that the study that the Post highlighted […]

Abortion Europe

ABC v. Ireland

The European Court of Human Rights has decided the Ireland abortion case. The Court held Ireland’s law violated one of the claimant’s rights by failing to provide a mechanism for her to obtain a legal abortion, which in Ireland is only available under limited circumstances. The decision doesn’t seem as bad as some had feared. […]

Abortion Bioethics Philosophy University Faculty for Life

The Ethics of Abortion, by Chris Kaczor

Christopher Kaczor has just published a new book entitled “The Ethics of Abortion: Women’s Rights, Human Life, and the Question of Justice.” This is an excellent book, and I highly recommend it. In the book, Kaczor defends the pro-life position with clarity and philosophical depth. Nearly half of the book discusses the personhood question.  He also critically discusses […]

Abortion Europe Uncategorized

Abortion and death rates in Italy (discussion on LinkedIn).

A colleague on the Italian American Professionals group on LinkedIn posed the following question: “Since the death rate in Italy exceeds the birth rate, Italians are a disappearing race. How do we stop this from happening?”  My response is as follows: “May I also suggest that you support the pro-life movement in Italy?  As you […]

Abortion Clinic regulation Constitutionality Court cases Ultrasound Uncategorized

Louisiana ultrasound law challenged

Louisiana recently passed The Ultrasound Before Abortion Act, which requires ultrasounds before abortions are performed but doesn’t require that the woman view the ultrasound images. The Bioethics Defense Fund helped draft the law. For more information about the law, see  On August 6, 2010, the law was challenged in federal court. For reaction to the lawsuit, see UPDATE: The […]

Abortion Health Care Reform Taxpayer funding Women's health

more on abortion and health care

The Public Discourse website has posted additional analysis of the abortion/health care controversy. See  this analysis by Helen Alvare   and this analysis by the editors of Public Discourse. Richard M.

Abortion Feminism International Mental health Religious views Women's health

new Vatican document on abortion’s harm to women

The Pontifical Academy for Life is preparing a new document on the the impact of abortion on women. There has been greater awareness of this issue in recent years.   The Supreme Court addressed this issue in Gonzales v. Carhart, and this caused a huge uproar. (I discussed this briefly in my paper at the 2007 […]