
Richard Doerflinger on the Equality Act and Abortion

Here is a link to a good article by Richard Doerflinger on the Equality Act and abortion. Here is his conclusion: The “abortion as health care” campaign advanced by the Equality Act effectively defines the unborn child out of existence. It treats the child as merely a “physical condition” of the mother that health professionals […]

Abortion Constitutionality Down Syndrome abortions Fetal anomolies and disabilities

“Arkansas Case Shows Path Forward for Banning Down Syndrome Abortions”

Here is link to a good article by Michael Cook discussing a recent Eighth Circuit case, which I noted a few days ago. Cook highlights the concurring opinion by Judge Erickson who highlighted the link between abortion and modern-day eugenics. That link has been made forcefully by Justice Clarence Thomas.

Abortion Constitutionality Presidential Actions

Gerry Bradley on President Biden and Abortion

Here is a good article by Gerry Bradley from First Things entitled “Biden’s Promise to Codify Roe.” Bradley explains that the codification of Roe would mean that the reversal of Roe by the US Supreme Court would have very little impact. That’s because the conservatives on the Court are likely to continue to take the […]

Abortion Constitutionality Medical abortion

Supreme Court Upholds FDA Regulation Requiring In-person Visits to Obtain Abortion Pill

Here is Scotusblog’s account of the Court’s 6-3 ruling: “The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted a request from the Food and Drug Administration to reinstate a federal requirement that a pill used to induce abortion in the early stages of pregnancy be picked up in person from a health care provider. A federal district judge […]

Abortion Constitutionality Down Syndrome abortions

Eighth Circuit Affirms Injunction Prohibiting Enforcement of Arkansas Abortion Law; Two Judges Call for Reexamination of Casey

Here is link to today’s decision by the Eighth Circuit affirming an injunction prohibiting enforcement of two provisions of Arkansas law restricting abortion. One provision prohibits abortion after 18 weeks and the other provision prohibits abortion after a Down Syndrome diagnosis if the abortion is sought due to that reason. Two judges (Judges Shepherd and […]

Abortion Eugenics

Nina Totenberg on the Future of Roe v. Wade

Here is a link to an interesting article by NPR’s Nina Totenberg  about the fate of Roe v. Wade now that there is, in her estimation, a new six-justice conservative supermajority on the US Supreme Court. The article includes speculation that the Court might rely on the eugenics argument forcefully expressed by Justice Thomas.

Abortion Bioethics Death and dying

Carter Snead’s New Book on Public Bioethics

Carter Snead’s new book should be of interest to anyone interested in the life issues.  Here is a link to a press release describing the book. The book, which was published in October 2020 by Harvard University Press, is entitled “What it Means to be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics.” The […]

Abortion Taxpayer funding

Fifth Circuit Allows States to End Funding of Planned Parenthood

Here is a link to an AP story on today’s decision by the en banc Fifth Circuit. The court ruled that Texas and Louisiana can refuse to provide Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood clinics. Because the ruling conflicts with rulings by other federal courts of appeals, the case is likely headed for the US Supreme […]

Abortion Presidential Actions

“The Lincoln Proposal”

Here is a link to a provocative essay in Public Discourse by Catherine Foster, Chad Pecknold, and Josh Craddock. The essay is entitled “The Lincoln Proposal: Pro-Life Presidents Must Take Ambitious and Bold Action to Protect the Constitutional Rights of Preborn Children.” The proposal centers around the president’s use of an executive order. The essay […]

Abortion Court cases Europe Fetal anomolies and disabilities International

Human Life Review on the Polish Court Decision on Eugenic Abortion

Here is a link to an item in the Human Life Review about the recent decision by the Polish Constitutional Court on eugenic abortion. At the link, there is also a translation of the decision.